E-Book, Englisch, 223 Seiten
MD Amir Khusro, The Nightingale of India
1. Auflage 2012
ISBN: 978-1-62488-143-5
Verlag: BookBaby
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet/DL/kein Kopierschutz
Selected Persian Odes
E-Book, Englisch, 223 Seiten
ISBN: 978-1-62488-143-5
Verlag: BookBaby
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet/DL/kein Kopierschutz
Weitere Infos & Material
1 Abr meebaarad o mun meeshawam az yaar juda No, leave me not, my sweetie pie; enjoy this rainy day And tear you not my love from this my loving heart away Oh, how can I this rainy night without my darling sleep When everyone is weeping here, weep I and clouds weep With the air so fresh and clear, and the garden lush and green Oh, why is not our nightingale a part of the lovely scene? For you, my one and only one, I shed the tears of blood So don’t be out of my sight, for it will become a flood O light you’re of my eyes; O you’re my gift of sight And when you are away from me, my day looks more like night I love to peek, and to ogle you from every chink and crack My eyes will surely crack up, dear, if they not keep the track Away not go from your KHUSRO lest you do start to whittle Like a flower you’re going to wither when cut you’re from thistle 2 Sad hazaaraan aafreen jaanaafreen e paak ra O praise the Lord, the holy and pure, the maker of us all For made He you from dust and clay a crafty, lovely doll So sweet and bitter, so tart and luscious, you can be all in one Dispense you can a poison such, the cure for which is none The soul you are of blossom, and you make the garden bloom And when you go, you leave it in a deadly, deadly gloom When out of sight you are, my love, my tears block my light When wetter become my eyes yet, they whet my appetite With magic in those eyes of yours oh, how you on me prey So leave me not, O huntress, pray do not you go away Comfort me not, O doctor; please sew not my wounded heart For me to vent my longings all you let it fall apart O cry not, KHUSRO, all the time your bitterness down you tone For soften a heart a bit you can’t when made it is of pure stone 3 Geh az mai talkh meekun aan do laal e shakkarafshaan ra Well, if she makes her sweet lips tart with the wine just a trace Keep that should all the oglers off staring at her face Oft I reveal my love for her and hope that she will imbibe Knowing well she loves me not, and takes she not a bribe To soothe my lust I ask her oft for a kiss of her flaming cheek The breath I use inflames my love; I get not what I seek O burn me, God, instead of her in the fire of flaming hell For knows she not the pain she gives; she really cannot tell Tell, KHUSRO, the tale of Majno’s love, and how endured he pain For he was in love, and knew he not impatience how to rein 4 Beem ast keh sodayat, baigaana kunad ma ra I fear my love for you, my love, will make me totally mad And infamous so I’ll become that it will make you sad The passion I have will make me lose my reason and my creed And the pangs will also make me reject my life and soul indeed You have me bound, body and soul, with chains of braided hair Now only you can make me free and get me off the snare When sleep I can’t, I drink and drink to drown my pain and sorrow And drunk I get thinking of you when sober I’m next morrow Like moon eclipsing a million stars, you eclipse the beauties all And KHUSRO, like the moth, cannot resist your candle’s call 5 Saba nau kard baagh o bostaan ra In garden renewed by springtime breeze, its winter garment shed The budding flowers like goblets wait for the vintage wine red With gathering clouds in the heaven above letting water slowly drip And birds all sing their melody sweet, like wine as rain they sip The budding flowers, all ready to bloom, their lovely faces flush With eager lips when kissed by birds, they blush, and blush, and blush The oaks and pines are full and green with the advent of spring And the songs of love by the loving birds make the lovely cypress swing And when you arrive on such a scene with a smiling rosy face I dare not say a rose you are, for you it might disgrace So come, my love, and fill the cup with a lot of rosy wine For time flies and the eternal life is neither yours nor mine Be not so proud and learn you please, whatever you have, to savor And don’t you think the beauty you have will last somehow for ever When KHUSRO comes to your salon, him you should try to reach For find you will not a single one with such an eloquent speech 6 Chun bakshaaie lab e shakkarshikan ra Open you when your sugary lips Your word from them their sugar grips And lit you have in my heart a fire Which is consuming my being entire And when in the garden you take a walk Your beauty becomes its only talk Excited, the birds run all amok With envy the flowers go all in shock But none of this affects your pride Nor the stony heart that is inside For the pain of KHUSRO there is no cure The pangs of love even kings endure 7 Dar aamad dar dil aan sultaan e dilha O beauty queen, come live in my heart And make it your home; from it don’t part In it the seeds of love you sow Then watch my terrible yearning grow Take care of it and don’t you throw My poor little heart to the vulture and crow Parting from you I can’t endure My sorrow and pain no one can cure This love has set my heart on fire And it is consuming my being entire Your love from all does take its toll And even our KHUSRO has lost his soul 8 Zahay wasf e labat zikr e zabaanha Oh, how your lips are loved by all And mouth also with pearls that fall Your smile that makes you look like a flower We love so much; we greatly admire When heaven sees our flaming desire Instead of a shower, it rains the fire And when in the park, we cry with pain The birds and the bees go all insane And bleeding, when KHUSRO walks around There’re pools of blood all over the ground 9 Bashguft gulha dar chaman, aey gulsitaan e mun bia Flowers are blooming everywhere, O flower of mine, come to me Conifers await you night and day, my graceful pine, come to me Thanks to my overflowing tears, tulips and roses are fresh and young Strolling along the garden walk, my lily divine, come to me Without you, darling, the gardens are in grip of doom and gloom So shining brightly in the dark, my sweet sunshine, come to me Your braids are trying to chain me, dear; your eyes are out to charm So me if you want to captivate, my valentine, come to me You may be tart and pungent but your absence is much worse So bearing all your pungency, my vintage wine, come to me Without you I, your KHUSRO, am tongue-tied and confused To give me wit and fluency, O soul of mine, come to me 10 Gunj e ishq e to nihaan shud der dil e weeraan e ma Smoldering is the fire of love in the wasteland of my heart Consume it will my body and soul; my heart will fall apart Leave me alone, O doctor, please, I feel completely sure That she, who gave this pain to me, does also have the cure Among the beauties of the world, you stand above and all alone So be a queen and rule them all, and let them moan and groan And when you come to walk in the park, they gossip and they talk In charm and grace you are alone; no one can walk the way you walk With you not there, your lovers are in agony and in pain For deep in love these lovers are; do not them you disdain They sob, they sigh, they weep, they cry, they moan all night, and groan And even in a crowd, my dear, they feel all lonely, all alone But lucky was KHUSRO when, with a wink, you said, “O I will be His real love, his only love, but he will have to die for me” 11 Dar kham e gaisoo e kaafirkaish daari taarha Lo, tangled are the pious ones in the curly brown hair And caught is all their piety in its wavy, twisted snare And dazzled so the learned are by the beauty of her face That gone are all their tact and wit, and lost they have their grace The clamors and the tumults are, of every shade and grade The powers of the beauty and also its tools of trade Yet kissing her lovely ruby lips is a pleasure and a thrill A cure for every malady and a curb for every ill The path of love and passion is a thorny one indeed But follow will I the rose of mine, if she will take the lead And I’ll reach there even when it takes me years and years If short of water the garden is, I’ll supply it with my tears So, KHUSRO, it is the long and short of the story of my love And love is what it takes to keep the stars and moon in place above 12 Khabarat hast keh az khaish khaber neest mara How numb am I you know not, dear No hope have I, no qualm, no fear Headlong in love, I have lost my head Headless am I, neither live nor dead Crying and weeping, having caused a flood My eyes are dry, no tears, no blood With bonds so strong no one can tear Bound am I by her...