Mehra / Srivastava / Madan | Multifunctional Nanocarriers | Buch | 978-0-323-85041-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 600 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1200 g

Mehra / Srivastava / Madan

Multifunctional Nanocarriers

Buch, Englisch, 600 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1200 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-85041-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Multifunctional Nanocarriers provides information on the concept, theory and application of multifunctional nanocarriers. The book covers current research, beginning with product strategy, targeted drug delivery, and advanced drug delivery approaches, along with numerous multifunctional nanocarriers and their regulatory considerations for product development. The book covers targeting, receptor mediated targeting, and recent advancements using multifunctional nanocarriers and their regulatory aspects. This is an important reference source for materials scientists and engineers who want to learn more about how multifunctional nanocarriers are applied in a range of biomedical applications.
Mehra / Srivastava / Madan Multifunctional Nanocarriers jetzt bestellen!


<p>Materials scientists and engineers</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Section A: Targeted Drug Delivery and Targeting 1. Nanotechnology: Advanced Drug Targeting Concepts, Fundamentals, and Strategies 2. Advanced Multifunctional Nanomaterials - An Introduction 3. Receptors Based Drug Targeting and Targeted Drug Delivery 4. Quality by Design (QbD) Approach in Drug Delivery Systems and Drug Targeting 5. Mitochondrial Targeting Strategies and Applications 6. Mucosal Vaccine Delivery and Targeting and Drug Delivery Strategies 7. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery; Opportunities, Major Challenges, and Application 8. Nano-immuno-adjuvants-based Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer 9. Brain Targeting Drug Delivery Systems for the Management of Brain Disorders: Molecular targets and nano-technological strategies 10. Drug Delivery Through Nails: Concept, Theory and Application

Section B: Multifunctional Nano-carriers in Drug Delivery and Targeting 11. Dendrimers-specific Drug Delivery and Drug Targeting 12. Nanoparticles-mediated Drug Targeting Strategies 13. Carbon Nanotubes in Controlled and Targeted Drug Delivery 14. Liposomal Formulation: Current Landscape and Industrial Applicability 15. Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery and Targeting 16. Pro-drug Strategy in Drug Targeting & Delivery 17. Graphenes and Fullerenes as Drug Delivery Systems 18. Quantum Dots (QDs) in Biomedical Applications 19. Drug-conjugate Strategies in Drug Delivery 20. Colloidosomes in Drug Delivery and Targeting 21. Polymeric Micelles, Role, Implication in Drug Delivery 22. Nano emulsion-based Delivery and Targeting 23. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers 24. Cochleates as Nanoparticles Drug Carriers in Drug Delivery 25. Super-paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPION) in Drug Delivery 26. Role of Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Modeling in Drug Targeting 27. Nano-toxicology: Toxicity and Safety Issue of Nanomaterials 28. Exosomes-mediated Drug Delivery 29. Current Status of FDA Approved Market Products

Srivastava, Saurabh
Saurabh Srivastava is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyderabad, India. His research interests include the development and optimization of industrially viable, feasible and scalable differentiated formulations, for the purpose of bioavailability enhancement, food effect minimization, repurposing/new indication, synergism for FDCs, and dose/dosing frequency reduction.

Madan, Jitender
Dr. Madan's major areas of research include Self-assembled Supramolecular systems viz. liposomes, niosomes, cyclodextrin, nano- & micro-particles and solid-lipid nanoparticles. The focus is centered onto the exploitation of US FDA approved biomaterials in combination with other potential lipids and polymers to develop the innovative dosage forms and drug delivery systems in order to improve the bioavailability, stability, safety (tolerance) and patient-compliance.

Whilst a wide range of applications are being taken up, the special emphasis is given to augment the aqueous solubility and bioavailability of lipophilic drugs.

Mehra, Neelesh Kumar
Neelesh Kumar Mehra is Senior Research Scientist at the Sentiss Research Center, Haryana, India. His area of research is in the design, development, evaluation of ophthalmic nanoemulsion, lipospheres, liposomes, fullerenes, and nanoparticles for topical/parenteral delivery of drugs/biomolecules.

Singh, Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar Singh, PhD, is senior research fellow at Punjabi University, India. He received his PhD degree on bioinformatics at the same institution. His research interests are computer-based modelling of molecules, with focus on developing models to study how synthetic molecules interact with cancer cells.

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