Mendelsohn / Howley / Israel | The Molecular Basis of Cancer | Buch | 978-1-4557-4066-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 888 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 222 mm x 281 mm, Gewicht: 2018 g

Mendelsohn / Howley / Israel

The Molecular Basis of Cancer

Expert Consult - Online and Print

Buch, Englisch, 888 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 222 mm x 281 mm, Gewicht: 2018 g

ISBN: 978-1-4557-4066-6
Verlag: Saunders

2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Oncology Category!The Molecular Basis of Cancer arms you with the latest knowledge and cutting-edge advances in the battle against cancer. This thoroughly revised, comprehensive oncology reference explores the scientific basis for our current understanding of malignant transformation and the pathogenesis and treatment of this disease. A team of leading experts thoroughly explains the molecular biologic principles that underlie the diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions now being used in clinical trials and practice. Detailed descriptions of topics from molecular abnormalities in common cancers to new approaches for cancer therapy equip you to understand and apply the complexities of ongoing research in everyday clinical application.
- Effectively determine the course of malignancy and design appropriate treatment protocols by understanding the scientific underpinnings of cancer.

- Visually grasp and retain difficult concepts easily thanks to a user-friendly format with abundant full-color figures.

- Find critical information quickly with chapters following a logical sequence that moves from pathogenesis to therapy.
- Stay current with the latest discoveries in molecular and genomic research. Sweeping revisions throughout include eight brand-new chapters on: Tumor Suppressor Genes; Inflammation and Cancer; Cancer Systems Biology: The Future; Biomarkers Assessing Risk of Cancer; Understanding and Using Information About Cancer Genomes; The Technology of Analyzing Nucleic Acids in Cancer; Molecular Abnormalities in Kidney Cancer; and Molecular Pathology.

- Access the entire text and illustrations online, fully searchable, at Expert Consult.
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Oncology and Hematology

Weitere Infos & Material

The Molecular Basis of Cancer, 4e

Mendelsohn, Howley, Israel, Gray, Thompson

Part I: Carcinogenesis and Cancer Genetics

1. Cancer, A Genetic Disorder

2. Oncogenes and Signal Transduction

3. Tumor Suppressor Genes

4. Genomic Instability and DNA Repair

5. Epigenetics and Cancer

6. Infectious Agents and Cancer

7. Environmental Carcinogenesis

8. Animal Models: Flies, Fish and Yeast

9. Genetic Mouse Models of Cancer

Part II: Cancer Biology

10. Cancer Stem Cells

11. Regulation of the Cell Cycle

12. Cell Growth

13. Cancer Cell Metabolism

14. Apoptosis, Autophagy and Necrosis

15. Cell Growth Arrest and Senescence

  16. Stromal-Cancer Interactions in the Microenvironment

  17. Hypoxia and Angiogenesis

18. Invasion and Metastasis

19. Inflammation and Cancer

  20. Molecular Pathways and Systems Biology

Part III: Molecular Pathology and Diagnostics

21. Biomarkers Assessing Risk of Cancer

22. Biomarkers for Detecting Cancer: Molecular Screening

  23. Biomarkers for Predicting Response to Specific Therapy

24. The Technology of Analyzing Nucleic Acids

25. Imaging Cancer

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