Menéndez | Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs | Buch | 978-0-12-818549-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 926 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g


Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs

3. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-0-12-818549-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 926 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-818549-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

This third edition of Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs, provides an updated resource for students and researchers from the point of view of medicinal chemistry and drug design, focusing on the mechanism of action of antitumor drugs from the molecular level, and on the relationship between chemical structure and chemical and biochemical reactivity of antitumor agents.

Antitumor chemotherapy is a very active field of research, and a huge amount of information on the topic is generated every year. This new edition includes updated sections on the hot topic of cancer immunotherapy, cancer polypharmacology, multitargeted cancer therapy, medicinal chemistry of cancer diagnosis, theranostic anticancer agents, and pre-mRNA processing in cancer. Although many books are available that deal with clinical aspects of cancer chemotherapy, this book provides a unique and valuable perspective from the point of view of medicinal chemistry and drug design. It will be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, biological chemistry, pharmacy and other health sciences. Researchers and practitioners will find a comprehensive treatment of the topic and a large number of references to reviews and the primary literature.
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The book is targeted at both students and medicinal chemists. Such a compendium of work is a fantastic source of information. The topics covered also will be of interest to a wide variety of people, from specialists to people with general interest in the area.
The audience for the project will likely be medicinal chemists both from industry and academia. Regarding the academic qualification, principal investigators as well as graduate students working on anticancer agents will be interested in the publication.


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction
2. Antimetabolites
3. Anticancer Drugs That Modulate Hormone Action
4. Anticancer strategies involving radical species
5. DNA Alkylating Agents
6. Anticancer Drugs That Interact with the DNA Minor Groove
7. Anticancer Drugs acting by DNA intercalation and topoisomerase inhibition
8. Epigenetic Therapy of Cancer
9. Anticancer Drugs Targeting Tubulin and Microtubules
10. Drugs Tacting on signaling pathways, part 1: Tirosine kinase inhibitors
11. Anticancer drugs acting on signaling pathways, part 2
12. Protein degradation-based cancer therapy
13. Cancer immunotherapy
14. Miscellaneous small-molecule and biological approaches to cancer therapy
15. Drug Targeting in Anticancer Chemotherapy
16. Drugs That Modulate Resistance to Anticancer Agents
17. Cancer Chemoprevention

Menéndez, J. Carlos
José Carlos Menéndez was born in Madrid (1960) and obtained degrees in Pharmacy from Universidad Complutense at Madrid, UCM (1982, with Excellence Award) and Chemistry from UNED (1985) followed by a Ph.D. in Pharmacy from UCM in 1988, under the supervision of Dr. Mónica M. Söllhuber, with Excellence Award. In August 1988, he joined the group of Professor Steven V. Ley at Imperial College, London, where he worked on the total synthesis of the natural ionophoric antibiotic routiennocin. In September 1989, he returned as a Profesor Titular to the Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Department at UCM, where he has pursued his teaching and research career ever since, having obtained Accreditation as a Full Professor in 2010. He has varied research interests, related, on one hand, to medicinal chemistry work in the fields of neurodegeneration (prion disease, Alzheimer's disease, ischemic injury) and chemotherapy (cancer, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis). Other projects pursued in his group are focused on the development of new synthetic methodology, including work on microwave-assisted organic synthesis, CAN as a catalyst for organic synthesis, green chemistry and the development new domino and multicomponent reactions for the preparation of biologically relevant bicyclic systems and nitrogen heterocycles. This work has been documented in about 210 research papers, reviews and chapters and 9 patents. Additionally, he has co-authored two textbooks in Medicinal Chemistry for McGraw-Hill Interamericana (?Introducción a la Química Farmacéutica, 2nd Ed." 2001 and "Ejercicios de Química Farmacéutica", 1997), and a third one for Elsevier ("Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs", 2008). He is the coordinator of a Master Course on Drug Discovery, and the coordinator at UCM of a Ph.D. program in Medicinal Chemistry. He has collaborated with many research groups in UK, Italy, France, and India and also has some long-standing collaborations with several chemical and pharmaceutical Spanish companies. He has been the head of the Organic Microanalysis service at UCM since its creation in 1991. Since 2004, he is a Corresponding Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy. He has been a Visiting Professor at Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille III, France) in 2007 and at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati (ISA), Bologna University, Italy, in 2014.

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