Dr.Chetan S. Mistry
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, IITKharagpur.He has 19years’ experience in teaching and research. He has done his graduation in Mechanical Engineering from REC, Surat (Presently NIT-Surat). He received his Master’s of Engineering in Turbo Machinery from NIT, Surat; Ph.D. from IIT Bombay. His Ph.D. thesis on “Experimental Investigation on the Performance of a Contra Rotating Fan Stage under Clean and Distorted Inflow Conditions” awarded with “Award for Excellence in Thesis Work”, IIT Bombay in 2014. He is also a recipient of “ASME- IGTI-Young Engineer Travel Award” in 2013. His area of research are: design and performance augmentation strategies for turbomachines, experimental and CFD study of turbomachines, contra rotating axial flow turbomachines aerodynamics, electric propulsion as well as fluid mechanics & heat transfer, and experimental aerodynamics.
Dr.S. Kishore Kumar
is currentlya DRDO Fellow in Gas Turbine Research Establishment, DRDO. He was an AICTE-INAE Distinguished Visiting Professor from 2014-2016. He was formerly Scientist G & Associate Director heading CFD, Compressor, Turbine, Combustor, Afterburner, Heat Transfer and Secondary Air System Groups in GTRE. He was Program Director of Gas Turbine Enabling Technology (GATET) – A National Initiative of GTRE, DRDO from its inception to 2014. He has published over 100 papers in journals and conferences and edited five books related to aerospace technologies. He has guided twelve doctoral students. He is Vice Chairman of National Committee of Air Breathing Engines (NCABE). He is a Fellow of AeSI and Life Member of Combustion Institute, FMFP and CSI.
is a specialist in the area of Aerospace Propulsion and Combustion. During his long tenure at the Indian Institute of Science, he held many senior positions such as Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Chairman, Department of Aerospace Engineering. He has been active in promoting the area of Aerospace Propulsion and is currently serving as the Chairman, National Committee on Air Breathing Engines.
G. Sivaramakrishna
is a Scientist in Gas Turbine Research Establishment, DRDO. After graduating from Osmania University in Mechanical Engineering, he did Post Graduation in I.C. Engines & Gas Turbines from NIT Warangal. He has 27 years of experience in CFD based Design & Development of Gas Turbine Combustion Systems. He was Deputy Program Director of a Gas Turbine Enabling Technology (GATET) – A National Initiative of GTRE, DRDO from its inception in 2009 till 2014; became Program Director of the same in the year 2014 and held the post till 2017. Through this initiative, he has pursued several technology development projects in various areas of relevance to bridge the technology gaps as well as to initiate research in emerging technology areas pertinent to gas turbines,in collaboration with academia andR&D institutions in India. He has authored about 35 technical publications in National & International Conferences and he is a recipient of National Science Day Award of DRDO.