Mitra | Ocular Transporters and Receptors | Buch | 978-1-907568-86-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Gewicht: 570 g


Ocular Transporters and Receptors

Their Role in Drug Delivery

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Gewicht: 570 g

ISBN: 978-1-907568-86-2
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Ocular transporters and receptors contains detailed descriptions of major transporters and receptors expressed in the eye, with special emphasis on their role in drug delivery. The complex anatomy and the existence of multiple barriers in the eye pose a considerable challenge to successful drug delivery to the eye. Hence ocular transporters and receptors are important targets for drug delivery. A significant advancement has been made in the field of ocular transport research and their role in drug delivery. In this book the cutting edge research being carried out in this field is compiled and summarized. The book focuses on key areas, including the anatomy and physiology of the eye, biology of ocular transporters and receptors, techniques in characterization of transporters and receptors, transporters and receptors in the anterior and posterior segment in the eye, the role of ocular transporters and receptors in drug delivery, and transporter-metabolism interplay in the eye.
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About the authors

Chapter 1: Eye: anatomy, physiology and barriers to drug delivery


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Anatomy and physiology of the eye

1.3 Barriers to ocular drug delivery

1.4 Conclusions

1.5 Acknowledgements

Chapter 2: Biology of ocular transporters: efflux and influx transporters in the eye


2.1 Introduction

2.2 SLC transporters

2.3 ABC transporters

2.4 Conclusions

Chapter 3: Characterization of ocular transporters


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Molecular and cellular characterization

3.3 Functional characterization of transporters

Chapter 4: Transporters and receptors in the anterior segment of the eye


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Transporters and receptors

4.3 Anterior chamber influx transporters

4.4 Anterior chamber efflux transporters

4.5 Anterior chamber receptors

4.6 Other miscellaneous anterior chamber receptors

4.7 Conclusions

Chapter 5: Transporters and receptors in the posterior segment of the eye


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Influx transporters in posterior segment of the eye

5.3 Receptors in posterior segment of the eye

5.4 ABC transporters

5.5 Conclusion

Chapter 6: Transporters in drug discovery and delivery: a new paradigm in ocular drug design


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Transporter-targeted drug delivery to the anterior segment

6.3 Transporter-targeted drug delivery to the posterior segment

6.4 Conclusion

Chapter 7: Transporter-metabolism interplay in the eye


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Metabolizing enzymes in ocular tissues

7.3 Impact of disease state on the expression of metabolizing enzymes

7.4 Efflux transporters and metabolism interplay

7.5 Potential impact of the efflux metabolism interplay in ocular bioavailability

7.6 Drug design and formulation strategies to overcome the efflux and metabolism interplay

7.7 Conclusion


Mitra, Ashim K
Ashim K. Mitra is Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA. He was named one of two recipients for the 2007 ARVO/Pfizer Ophthalmics Translational Research Award He is the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Research for the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Director of Translational Research at UMKC School of Medicine. He is also the University of Missouri Curators' Professor of Pharmacy and UMKC's Chairman of Pharmaceutical Sciences He is the author and coauthor over 250 research articles, book chapters and review papers. Dr Mitra is the recipient of a number of research awards from the National Institutes of Health, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and numerous pharmaceutical organizations He is the 1999 recipient of the University Trustee's Faculty Research award from the University of Missouri and 1992 recipient of National Collegiate Inventor of the Year Award from the National Invention Center and the BF Goodrich Corporation He has served as the editor of Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems (CRC Press) ,which is currently in its second edition and coeditor of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (Wiley).

Dr. Ashim K. Mitra is currently Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Research in the University of Missouri at Kansas City. He is also the University of Missouri Curators' Professor of Pharmacy, Chairman of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Co-Director of the School of Medicine's Vision Research Center.

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