Mohamed / Gamal / Hameedi | Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Waste Management | Buch | 978-0-12-823418-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Mohamed / Gamal / Hameedi

Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Waste Management

Moving Toward Reducing Environmental Impact
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-0-12-823418-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Moving Toward Reducing Environmental Impact

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-823418-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Waste Management addresses all aspects of sustainable use of carbon dioxide in waste management processes and provides best practices and process improvements for carbon sequestration in the management of a variety of waste types, including carbide lime waste, construction waste, and reject brine effluents, amongst others. The book also provides underlying research on the environmental impacts of these wastes and the need for carbon capture to emphasize the importance and need for improvements of these processes. Overall, this information will be key to determining lifecycle benefits of CO2 for each newly improved waste process.

This is an important source of information for environmental and sustainability scientists and engineers, as well as academics and researchers in the field who should be trying to achieve increased carbon capture in any form of waste process to reduce environmental impact.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Emerging carbon-based waste management sustainable practices2. Carbon capture and utilization3. Assessment of carbon dioxide utilization technologies4. Carbonation reaction kinetics5. Mineral carbonation6. Carbonation technologies7. Laboratory carbonation methods: testing and evaluation8. Carbonation of fly ash9. Carbonation of steel slag10. Carbonation of calcium carbide residue11. Carbonation of cement-based construction waste12. Carbonation of mine tailings waste13. Carbonation of brine waste14. Carbonation of cement kiln dust

Gamal, Maisa El
Maisa El Gamal is an Associate Professor at Zayed University, United Arab Emirates. She has an extensive background in environmental science, with a particular emphasis on polymerized sulfur and its applications in various industries.

Mohamed, Abdel-Mohsen O.
Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, General Managing Director of EX Scientific Consultants, United Arab Emirates, and a Senior Scientific Advisor at Uberbinder Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom. He is a renowned expert in sustainable materials and geoenvironmental engineering. With decades of research and academic experience, he has contributed significantly to the field of geoengineering, focusing on the development and application of sustainable materials.

Hameedi, Suhaib
Suhaib Hameedi gained his BSc. in chemical engineering from Mutah University-Jordan in 2005. His graduation training was in Jordanian phosphate mines company. He joined industries through chemicals manufacturing application in Jordan until 2010, and water treatment application until 2013 in United Arab Emirates. He earned his MSc. degree in chemical engineering from the United Arab Emirates University in 2016 with a thesis about CO2 capture by steel-making residues. During his masters, he had duties as research assistant in CO2 capture using industrial wastes. In addition, he was a teaching assistant to thermodynamics for a engineering students course. He joined Zayed University (ZU) in 2016 as a Researcher in environmental studies, mainly carbonation of industrial wastes. He participated in local and international conferences through papers, posters and oral presentation. Recently he is a member of the published patent of a new apparatus for carbon sequestration submitted by Prof. AMO Mohamed.

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