Kannan, Elumalai
Dr. Elumalai has a Master's degree in Agricultural Economics from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar and a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. His areas of research interests include agricultural economics, international trade, futures market, natural resource management, institutions and rural development.
He has worked at various reputed institutions such as National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, New Delhi Office, National Council of Applied Economic Research, Madras School of Economics, Chennai and Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore. Presently, he is working as Associate Professor at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development (CSRD), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Dr. Elumalai served as a Consultant to various international organisations such as World Bank and FAO. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
During recent years, he has undertaken important research studies on inclusive agricultural growth, stagnation in productivity of important crops in India, agrarian change and farm sector distress, pre and post harvest losses, agricultural market reforms, impact evaluation of National Agriculture Development Programme, impact evaluation of Soil Micronutrients Programme, comparative advantage in export of agro-processed products and India's textile and textile products.
Hedge, Mruthunjaya
Mruthunjaya completed his school education in 1964, graduation (1969) & post- graduation from UAS, Bangalore in 1971 and Doctoral degree from IARI, New Delhi in 1976 with high merit, distinction, recognition awards, several gold medals and Jawaharlal Nehru Outstanding Ph.D thesis award in Agricultural Economics from ICAR in 1976. After serving as lecturer at UAS, Bangalore during 1971-73, joined ARS as a scientist in 1976, served at IIHR, Bangalore up to 1981, in CAZRI up to 1983, and in IARI as Professor and Principal Scientist till 1994. At these ICAR institutions, using advanced quantitative tools and techniques, he has made significant research contributions in measurement, modelling and economic, technological, institutional and policy analysis of growth and instability in production, consumption, income, savings, investments, employment, supply, demand, storage, credit, marketing, transportation, storage of field, horticultural and plantation crops, livestock, fisheries and NRM issues. He has also taught courses at undergraduate and PG levels at UAS, Bangalore and IARI, New Delhi and guided M.Sc. and Ph.D. students at IARI. Dr.Mruthyunjaya has published more than 100 refereed research articles. He is a fellow of NAAS and Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai. During 2017, he is bestowed with prestigious Dr.M.S.Randhwa Memorial Award by NAAS, India for his life-long contributions in agricultural administration, social sciences and transfer of technology.
Chengappa, P G
Dr P G Chengappa is one of the leading Agricultural Economists of the country. He obtained his PhD in Agricultural Economics from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He underwent a course on International Agricultural Marketing at DSE Germany. Dr Chengappa has over 37 Years of experience in teaching, research, extension and academic administration, including research carried out in international organizations. Chengappa started his career as a Research Assistant in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India and served as Associate Professor, Professor and Head of the department of Agricultural Marketing, Cooperation and Agribusiness for over two decades. He rose to become the Director of Instruction (Agril) and Vice Chancellor of the University in 2007. During his tenure as Vice Chancellor the University of was rated as third best Agricultural University in the country by the Times group. He was awarded the prestigious National Professor by the of Indian Council of Agricultural Research which he completed recently at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India. Chengappa has offered wide range of courses in the areas of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness for both under graduate and graduate students. He has acted as chairman / member, Board of Studies, Academic council and Board of Management many Universities. Prof. Chengappa is/was associated with several academic bodies and policy making committees constituted by the Government; Member, Committee constituted by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for Extending Agriculture Assistance to Sri Lanka. Member, Scientific Committee, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Member, Knowledge Commission, State Farmers' Commission and Biotechnology Task Force constituted by the Government of Karnataka. Served as Member- Working Group of Planning Commission of India on Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Secondary Agriculture and Policy, and sub group on Agricultural Education and Research. Member, Governing Body of Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. Member, National Steering Committee of National Agricultural Innovation Project, ICAR. Chairman, Review Committee on the functioning Krishi Vigyan Kendras of ICAR located in North East region of India. He was a member of the Indian delegation convention on Biological Diversity held at Hyderabad during October, 2012. Nominated to the Roster of Experts as per the provisions of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Government of India.
His international work experience include working as consultant at International Food Policy research Institute, Socio Economist at International Plant Genetics Research Institute and International Crops Research Institute for Semi- Arid Tropics; Visiting Scientist, International Rice Research institute; Facilitator, International course on Agricultural Marketing, DSE Germany; consultant, FAO Regional office Bangkok and visiting Scientist at Universities of Reading, Wales, Purdue and Iowa State University.
Chengappa's research efforts have resulted in 86 research articles in nationally and internationally peer reviewed journals, 9 popular articles, 2 books and 12 chapters in edited books.
He was president (Elect), Indian Society of Agricultural Economics 2012 and President, Agricultural Economics Review Association, New Delhi during 2013-16. Conferred National Fellow Award by the Soil Conservation Society of India, 2009.
Mohanty, Samarendu
As head of the Social Sciences Division, Sam recruits and retains quality staff and create a conducive environment for research and professional development and conduct research on all aspects of rice including marketing, policy and trade and impact assessment.
Manjunatha, A. V.
A.V. MANJUNATHA obtained MSc in Agricultural Economics from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India and International MSc in Rural Development from University of Gent, Belgium. He holds a doctoral degree in Agricultural Economics from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. He has experience working in several national and international projects and involved in drafting policy documents for the state and central Government. He has published research articles in high ranking journals, conferences and leading national newspapers. His main research areas include Natural Resource Management; Agricultural water management; Agricultural markets; Impact analysis of developmental programmes and technology adoption; International Trade; and Energy and climate change in Agriculture. Currently he is serving as Assistant Professor in the Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation centre of the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India.