Mosimann | I have not been afraid of going blind for a long time | Sonstiges | 978-3-03947-236-9 |

Sonstiges, Deutsch, Band 036, Format (B × H): 102 mm x 65 mm

Reihe: tkbks


I have not been afraid of going blind for a long time

USB tape Auflage
ISBN: 978-3-03947-236-9
Verlag: edition taberna kritika

Sonstiges, Deutsch, Band 036, Format (B × H): 102 mm x 65 mm

Reihe: tkbks

ISBN: 978-3-03947-236-9
Verlag: edition taberna kritika

"A flock of starlings swooshed over me today. In my mind I repeat the sound over and over again, while I watch the film footage"

The filmmaker captures his environment with the camera, fearing he might be losing it more and more. Strict rules about using the entire clip length and its original audio track inform the editing process. The tableaus and their insistence in duration create a pull into an increasingly isolated state of perceiving the outside world in its unspectacular yet strangely unfamiliar intensity.

by Yannick Mosimann
Runtime: 134 mins
Ratio: 4:3 / 16:9
Shooting Format: 16mm & HD Colour
Year: 2022
USB tape edition: 978-3-03947-236-9
doi: 10.17436/etk.t.036

Related: Yannick Mosimann: Ich wollte auf Irgendetwas warten. (curatorbooks 013)
Mosimann I have not been afraid of going blind for a long time jetzt bestellen!


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