Mukherjee / Scanlon / Aureli | Global Groundwater | Buch | 978-0-12-818172-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 676 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1840 g

Mukherjee / Scanlon / Aureli

Global Groundwater

Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-0-12-818172-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions

Buch, Englisch, 676 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1840 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-818172-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Global Groundwater: Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions presents a compilation of compelling insights into groundwater scenarios within all groundwater-stressed regions across the world. Thematic sub-sections include groundwater studies on sources, scarcity, sustainability, security, and solutions. The chapters in these sub-sections provide unique knowledge on groundwater for scientists, planners, and policymakers, and are written by leading global experts and researchers. Global Groundwater: Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions provides a unique, unparalleled opportunity to integrate the knowledge on groundwater, ranging from availability to pollution, nation-level groundwater management to transboundary aquifer governance, and global-scale review to local-scale case-studies.
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<p>Hydrologists, Hydrogeologists, Civil Engineers, Water Managers, Agriculture Engineers, Public Health, Engineers, Researchers, Graduate Students</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Global groundwater: from scarcity to security through sustainability and solutions

2. Groundwater of carbonate aquifers

3. Groundwater resources in Australia-their occurrence, management, and future challenges

4. Groundwater storage dynamics in the Himalayan river basins and impacts of global change in the Anthropocene

5. Groundwater variations in the North China Plain: monitoring and modeling under climate change and human activities toward better groundwater sustainability

6. Emerging groundwater and surface water trends in Alberta, Canada

7. Groundwater irrigation and implication in the Nile river basin

8. Groundwater availability and security in the Kingston Basin, Jamaica

9. Transboundary aquifers: a shared subsurface asset, in urgent need of sound governance

10. Transboundary groundwater of the Ganges-
11. Groundwater drought: environmental controls and monitoring

12. Groundwater scarcity in the Middle East

13. Groundwater scarcity and management in the arid areas in East Africa

14. Global geogenic groundwater pollution

15. Out of sight, but not out of mind: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in groundwater

16. Geogenic-contaminated groundwater in China

17. Screening of emerging organic pollutants in the typical hygrogeological units of China

18. Groundwater pollution of Pearl River Delta

19. Hydrochemical characteristics and quality assessment of water from different sources in Northern Morocco

20. Arsenic in groundwater in the United States: research highlights since 2000, current concerns and next steps

21. Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater quality in the states of Texas and Florida, United States

22. Groundwater pollution in Pakistan

23. Groundwater of Afghanistan (potential capacity, scarcity, security issues, and solutions)

24. Groundwater resources sustainability

25. Sustainability of groundwater used in agricultural production and trade

26. Groundwater and society: enmeshed issues, interdisciplinary approaches

27. Groundwater sustainability in cold and arid regions

28. Groundwater in Australia-understanding the challenges of its sustainable use

29. Groundwater recharge and sustainability in Brazil

30. Groundwater management in Brazil: current status and challenges for sustainable utilization

31. Challenges of sustainable groundwater development and management in Bangladesh: vision 2050

32. Integrating groundwater for water security in Cape Town, South Africa

33. Drivers for progress in groundwater management in Lao People's Democratic Republic

34. Groundwater sustainability and security in South Asia

35. Role of measuring the aquifers for sustainably managing groundwater resource in India

36. Balancing livelihoods and environment: political economy of groundwater irrigation in India

37. The future of groundwater science and research

38. Technologies to enhance sustainable groundwater use

39. Applications of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment in global groundwater study

40. Use of machine-learning and deep-learning methods in groundwater

41. Desalination of brackish groundwater to improve water quality and water supply

42. Desalination of deep groundwater for freshwater supplies

43. Quantifying future water environment using numerical simulations: a scenario-based approach for sustainable groundwater management plan in Medan, Indonesia

44. Managed aquifer recharge with various water sources for irrigation and domestic use: a perspective of the Israeli experience

45. MAR model: a blessing adaptation for hard-to-reach livelihood in thirsty Barind Tract, Bangladesh

Scanlon, Bridget R.
Bridget Scanlon has a PhD from the University of Kentucky, and is presently Fisher Endowed Chair in Geological Sciences and a Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, the University of Texas at Austin. As a world-leading authority on water research, her career has been characterized by a commitment to data as well as innovative approaches that cut across disciplines. During her ~40 years academic career, Bridget has published articles in numerous peer-reviewed journals, and has been involved with U.S. Department of Energy scientific endeavors, and has been a member of the NASA GRACE satellite Science team. In 2016, she was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest U.S. scientific professional honors and also the National Ground Water Association's M. King Hubbert Award. Bridget is widely considered as one of the foremost authorities on global groundwater resources and besides being an Associate Editor of several subject journals, she is the former Managing Editor of Journal of Hydrology.

Langan, Simon
Simon Langan received his PhD from University of St. Andrews, UK, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship atImperial College, London, UK. He was the Director of IIASA's Water Program and the Water Futures and Solutions Initiative. Throughout his career, Simon has won grants and secured funding from regional and international donor projects, including from the private sector, the EU 7th Framework, Natural Environment Research Council, National Power, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, USAID, and Canadian Government. Simon has an extensive number of publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as experience in policy-related analyses, including numerous peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, books/chapters and conference proceedings.

Guo, Huaming
Huaming Guo has a PhD from the China University of Geosciences: Wuhan, Hubei, China, followed by a Postodoctoral Fellowship at Tsinghua University: Beijing, Beijing, China. He has also been an Alexander van Humboldt Research Fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He is currently a Professor at the School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China. He has been also a Senior Visiting Professor to Columbia University, USA. Huaming has over 20 years of teaching and research experience. He has been Associate Editor of several journals and presently servesas Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Hydrology.

Mukherjee, Abhijit
Prof. Abhijit Mukherjee received his PhD degree from the University of Kentucky, United States and is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, United States. He has served as the physical hydrogeologist at the Alberta Geological Survey in Canada and is currently a professor at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. Prof. Mukherjee's main research area is hydrogeology, including water pollution, scarcity, and governance. He is known globally for his studies on geological and human-sourced groundwater pollution and has done extensive work on delineating groundwater scarcity using field observations, advanced computation, and Artificial Intelligence techniques. He has received many distinctions, including the highest award in Indian science. He is a fellow of the Geological Society of America, the American Geophysical Union, and the Royal Society of Chemistry. He has editorial roles in the Journal of Hydrology, Applied Geochemistry, Journal of Earth System Sciences, Scientific Reports, ES&T Letters, ES&T Engineering, and Water Resources Research. He is the editor of several books, including Groundwater of South Asia and Global Groundwater: Source, Scarcity, Security, Sustainability and Solutions.

Aureli, Alice
Alice Aureli has a PhD in Hydrogeology and has worked in the UNESCO Water Sciences Division since 1989. She is the Chief of the Groundwater Resources and Aquifer Systems Section of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. She is responsible for, amongst others, the International Shared Aquifers Resources Management (ISARM) programme. This role has led her to supervise the work of the interdisciplinary group that advised the UN International Law Commission to prepare the Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers. An important aspect of her work has been on scientific and policy-related issues surrounding groundwater governance. Alice is the author of a large number of publications and has also served as editor of various international journals.

McKenzie, Andrew A.
Andrew McKenzie has a B.A (Hons.) from Oxford University and M.Sc. from University College London in Hydrogeology. He worked as an exploration geologist and hydrogeologist in Africa, the Middle East and the UK before joining the BGS in 1988, working on groundwater issues, in Central America. As a hydrogeologist in BGS's Groundwater Directorate he has been responsible for managing the survey's databases on groundwater, focussing on field data collection, data processing and developing systems to disseminate data to stakeholders. This includes contributing to the NERC systems for monitoring groundwater status, investigating drought and floods, and, more recently, developing forecasts of groundwater resources at a national level. He has extensive international experience principally in Africa and South Asia, where he was Senior Hydrogeologist for the World Bank India Hydrology Project, and co-investigator on research projects in the Ganga and Cauvery basins. He is currently Platform Lead for the BGS ODA Project 'Sustainable Asian Cities' which is building networks for urban geoscience across several Asian countries. Andrew has over 35 years of research experience. He is a Fellow of Geological Society of London.

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