Mummery / van de Stolpe / Roelen | Stem Cells | Buch | 978-0-12-381535-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 324 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 630 g

Mummery / van de Stolpe / Roelen

Stem Cells

Scientific Facts and Fiction

Buch, Englisch, 324 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 630 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-381535-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Recent advances in the fields of medicine and technology have led to the development of stem cell therapy. A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to develop into many different types of cell in the body. It has the ability to divide and copy itself and at least one other specialized type of cell.

Stem Cells was written to provide information about the development of stem cell therapy, which can be used in the fields of research and medicine. The main goal of the book is to provide readers with an overview of the scientific facts about stem cells and its promising effects on the human body, as well as on the creation of new drugs and medicines. The book also highlights the ongoing clinical research into stem cells and lists the therapies whose effectiveness is being investigated.

Many scientists argue that stem cell therapy will be of great help to patients and society if it is proven to be safe and effective.
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<p><b>Primary:</b> biotech and biomedical researchers who need to understand stem cells to enhance their work and extend collaborations; specialists in all medical disciplines</p> <p><b>Secondary:</b> Pharma and biotech management; health professionals; students in biomedical and medical disciplines; patient advocacy groups</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword Introduction Chapter 1: Biology of the Cell Chapter 2: Embryonic development Chapter 3: Of mice and men: History of stem cells Chapter 4: What are stem cells? Chapter 5: Origin of stem cells Chapter 6: Types of stem cells Chapter 7: Cloning: history and current applications Chapter 8: Clinical applications of stem cells Chapter 9: Cancer stem cells Chapter 10: Applications for drugs and toxicity screening Chapter 11: Venturing in stem cells (law and intellectual property) Chapter 12: Future Prospects

References and websites

Glossary of terms


Mummery, Christine L.
Christine Mummery is a Professor of Developmental Biology at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands and head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology. Her research concerns heart development and the differentiation of pluripotent human stem cells into the cardiac and vascular lineages and using these cells as disease models, for safety pharmacology, drug discovery and future cardiac repair. Immediate interests are on developing biophysical techniques for characterization and functional analysis of cardiovascular cells from hPSC. She was recently awarded a multimillion grant for this purpose and is awardee of a prestigious European Research Council Advanced Grant. A member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science, and former board member of the International Society of Stem Cell research and the Netherlands Medical Research Council, she's editor in chief of the ISSCR journal Stem Cell Reports and is also on the editorial boards of Cell Stem Cell, Cardiovascular Research and Stem Cells.

Roelen, Bernard
Bernard Roelen is Associate professor at the Department of Farm Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University in Utrecht, the Netherlands. His research is focused on mammalian germ cells, early embryos stem cells and. He is author of >70 scientific publications.

van de Stolpe, Anja
Anja van de Stolpe is Medical Scientific Advisor and Research Fellow (Senior Director level) at Philips Research. She is by background a registered clinical internist specialized in hematology with 10 years of experience in clinical internal medicine and hemato-oncology / blood coagulation in academic and peripheral hospital settings. A current research interest is innovative molecular diagnostics, especially related to oncology. She is scientifically involved in multiple translational research projects within Philips Research, ranging from circulating tumor cells to sequencing and array-based diagnostics, and oncogenic pathway modelling. She is also actively involved in Business Development, for which she received the Philips Research Entrepreneurs Award. She is cofounder and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the stem cell company Pluriomics; and a co-founder of the European School for Science Education (ESSE) for post-academic education of medical specialists.

Clevers, Hans
Hans Clevers is obtained his MD degree in 1984 and his PhD degree in 1985 from the University Utrecht, the Netherlands. His postdoctoral work (1986-1989) was done with Cox Terhorst at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute of the Harvard University, Boston, USA. From 1991-2002 Dr. Clevers was Professor in Immunology at the University Utrecht and, since 2002, Professor in Molecular Genetics. Since 2002, he is director of the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht. He has been a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2000 and is the recipient of several awards, including the Dutch Spinoza Award in 2001, the Swiss Louis Jeantet Prize in 2004, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Katharine Berkan Judd Award in 2005, the Israeli Rabbi Shai Shacknai Memorial Prize in 2006, and the Dutch Josephine Nefkens Prize for Cancer Research and the German Meyenburg Cancer Research Award in 2008.

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