Krishna Murari received the B.Tech degree in electrical engineering from WBUT, India, in 2010, the M.E degree in power systems from Thapar University, India in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in 2019. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Energy Production, and Infrastructure Center (EPIC), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. He is a member of IEEE and has published several papers in journals and conference proceedings. His current research areas are AC-DC load flow, distribution network pricing, demand-side management, distribution system modeling and analysis, power system computing, soft computing, and its application to power system problems and smart grid. He has some significant research outcomes in the field of AC-DC distribution system analysis and planning.
Narayana Prasad Padhy received a Ph.D. degree in power systems engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 1997. He is an institute chair professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. He is heading many national and international projects, such as DSIDES, ID-EDGe, and HEAPD. He is also part of other international projects, namely Indo–US UI-ASSIST and Indo UK ZED-I. His research interests include power system analysis, optimization, demand-side management, and smart grids. Dr. Padhy is also a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineers, Institution of Engineering and Technology, and Institution of Engineers India.
Sukumar Kamalasadan received his B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Calicut, in 1991, an M.E. degree in electrical power systems management from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, in 1999, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The University of Toledo, USA, in 2004. He is currently a professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. His research interests include intelligent and autonomous control, power systems dynamics, stability and control, smart grid, microgrid, and real-time optimization and control of power systems. Dr. Kamalasadan was the recipient of several awards, including the NSF CAREER Award and IEEE Best Paper Award.