Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 1, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Diffusion Foundations
Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 1, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Diffusion Foundations
ISBN: 978-3-03795-776-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters BCI (WoS).
In the first chapter Prof. Kozubski and colleagues present atomistic simulations of superstructure transformations of intermetallic nanolayers. In Chapter 2, Prof. Danielewski and colleagues discuss a formalism for themorphology of the diffusion zone in ternary alloys. In Chapter 3, ProfessorsSprengel and Koiwa discuss the classical contributions of Boltzmann andMatano for the analysis of concentration-dependent diffusion. This isfollowed by Chapter 4 by Professor Cserh?ti and colleagues on the use of Kirkendall porosity for fabricating hollow hemispheres. In Chapter 5,Professor Morton-Blake reports on molecular dynamics calculations of ions ina synthetic channel. In Chapter 6, Professor Bokstein and Dr Rodin reviewgrain boundary diffusion and segregation in metals and alloys. This isfollowed by a review by Professor Mehrer on diffusion in glassy metals(Chapter 7). In Chapter 8 Professor Prochazka and colleagues report ondefects and sintering in yttria-stabilized zirconia using positronannihilation spectroscopy and in Chapter 9 Professor Fishman? and colleaguesreport on mechanical activation of Mn-O oxides. Finally in Chapter 10 Professors Popova and Popov analyse the role of diffusion in the structureand texture of Cu-Nb composites.
Weitere Infos & Material
Superstructure Transformations in High-Temperature Intermetallic Nanolayers: Atomistic SimulationA Morphology of Diffusion Zone from Entropy Production CalculationsThe Decisive Contributions by L. Boltzmann and C. Matano to the Quantitative Analysis of Diffusion PhenomenaHollow Hemisphere Shell Formation by Pure Kirkendall PorosityMolecular Dynamics of the Transport of Ions in a Synthetic ChannelGrain Boundary Diffusion and Grain Boundary Segregation in Metals and AlloysDiffusion in Glassy MetalsDefects and Sintering-Induced Diffusion Processes in Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia Nanomaterials Studied by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyMechanical Activation of Mn-O Oxides: Structural Phase Transitions, Magnetism and Oxygen Isotope ExchangePeculiarities of Structure and Texture of High-Strength Cu-Nb Composites