Murray | Writing for Academic Journals | Buch | 978-0-335-24011-1 |

Buch, Englisch


Writing for Academic Journals

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24011-1
Verlag: Open University Press

"Academics are expected to write but seldom consider and discuss the nature of academic writing. As a result, the practice is shrouded in mystery. Writing for Academic Journals makes explicit much of what is normally opaque and it should be among the first ports of call for any academic who is contemplating getting published. This new edition achieves the near-impossible: improving on what was already acknowledged as a first-rate compendium".

Professor Ronald Barnett, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

"Our experience is that Rowena's practical approach works for busy academic staff. Not only does it enable them to increase their publication output and meet deadlines, but it boosts enthusiasm for writing and stimulates creative thinking."

Kate Morss, Director, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, UK

"How many of us find the prospect of writing for an academic journal a daunting task so

intimidating that barely an undetectable degree of arm twisting is required to further

relegate the task to an ever lower position on our priority list? Sound familiar? Well look

no further, those woes may be on the run thanks to this well thought-out and very readable short book."

Ian Pearce,Consultant Urological Surgeon,

Manchester Royal Infirmary

This book unravels the process of writing academic papers. It tells readers what good papers look like and how they can be written.

Busy academics must develop productive writing practices quickly. No one has time for trial and error. To pass external tests of research output we must write to a high standard while juggling other professional tasks. This may mean changing our writing behaviours.

Writing for Academic Journals, Second Edition, has been comprehensively updated to include the most recent research and theory in order to provide new knowledge on writing across the disciplines. Drawing on her extensive experience of running writing workshops and working closely with academics on developing writing, Rowena Murray offers practical and tested strategies for good academic writing.
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Rowena Murray is Associate Dean (Research) at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. She carries out research on writing, funded by the Nuffield Foundation and British Academy. Her other bestselling books with Open University Press include How to Write a Thesis, How to Survive Your Viva and The Handbook of Academic Writing (written with Sarah Moore). Rowena is also Editor of the Helping Students to Learn Series and edited the first volume - The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

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