Buch, Englisch, 528 Seiten, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1592 g
Frontiers in Water-Energy-Nexus-Nature-Based Solutions, Advanced Technologies and Best Practices for Environmental Sustainability
1. Auflage 2020
ISBN: 978-3-030-13067-1
Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland
Proceedings of the 2nd WaterEnergyNEXUS Conference, November 2018, Salerno, Italy
Buch, Englisch, 528 Seiten, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1592 g
Reihe: Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation
ISBN: 978-3-030-13067-1
Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Wirtschaftssektoren & Branchen Energie- & Versorgungswirtschaft Energiewirtschaft: Alternative & Erneuerbare Energien
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Wirtschaftssektoren & Branchen Energie- & Versorgungswirtschaft Wasserwirtschaft
- Technische Wissenschaften Umwelttechnik | Umwelttechnologie Wasserversorgung, Wasseraufbereitung
- Geowissenschaften Umweltwissenschaften Nachhaltigkeit
- Technische Wissenschaften Energietechnik | Elektrotechnik Alternative und erneuerbare Energien
- Technische Wissenschaften Umwelttechnik | Umwelttechnologie Abwasseraufbereitung, Abwasserentsorgung
Weitere Infos & Material
Approaching bioelectrochemical systems to real facilities within the framework of CO2 valorization and biogas upgrading.- Water Energy Nexus in the Gulf: A Complex Network of Multi-Level Interdependencies.- A risk assessment approach for water-energy systems.- Estimating the declining discount rate for the economic evaluation of projects in the energy and water sectors.- Towards resilience-informed decision making in critical infrastructure networks.- Short-term forecasting of tank water levels serving urban water distribution networks with ARIMA models.- Energy balance in the water cycle in Italy: state of the art and perspectives.- Water Energy Nexus: evalutation of the enviromental impact in the national and international scenarios.- Water scarcity and shale gas prospects in Tunisia – potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on regional water stress.- "Energy performance of Italian urban water systems".- Analysis of the Economic Net Benefit of Green Infrastructure by Comparing the Water-retentive Block and the Normal Block.- Levering industry and professional qualifications over water efficiency and water-energy nexus in buildings.- WEFSiM: A Model for Water-Energy-Food Nexus Simulation and Optimization.- Assessment of rain harvesting and RES desalination for meeting water needs in an Island in Greece.- Grounding Nexus Governance: de-nexused developments in Nepal.- Maximizing water-food-energy nexus synergies at Basin Scale.- Visualizing CO2 to Account for Emission Obligation in Power Systems.- Selection of key characteristics for crops to deal with climate change through quality function deployment.- Combined electrodialysis and photo-electro-chlorination for energy efficient control of brine water.- Hydrogen production in electro membrane bioreactors.- Use of high-valent metal species produced by the Fenton (-like) reactions in water treatment.- Photocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds by visible light-illuminated g-C3N4-AQ in combination with Fe(III).- Microalgae-based processes as an energy efficient platform for water reclamation and resource recovery.- "Ozonation in the Framework of Sustainable Future Water Management".- Pilot study for Spiral wound -pvdf supported UF membranes for brackish water desalination system.- Energy monitoring of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Salerno, Campania region (Southern Italy).- Sulfate radicals-based technology as a promising strategy for wastewater management.- Fluoxetine and pirimicarb abatement by ecofriendly electro-Fenton process.- Diversity and performance of sulphate reducing bacteria in acid mine drainage remediation systems.- Sustainable materials for affordable point-of-use water purification.- Self-forming dynamic membrane: a review.- Influence of membrane flux, ultrasonic frequency and recycle ratio in the hybrid process USAMe.- Using Water-Energy nexus as greenhouse gas emissions mitigation tool in wastewater treatment plants.- Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in the presence of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm in reclaimed water.- Development of Pilot-Scale Photocatalytic Reactor Employing Novel TiO2 Epoxy Grains for Wastewater Treatment.- Evaluation of fungal white-rot strains for assisting in algal harvest in wastewater.- Event scale modelling of experimental green roofs runoff in a Mediterranean environment.- Advanced technologies for satellite monitoring of water resources.- Tannery wastewater treatment after biological pretreatment by using electrochemical oxidation.- Numerical modelling of integrated OMBR-NF hybrid system for simultaneous wastewater reclamation and brine management.- Climate, soil moisture and drainage layer properties impact on green roofs in a Mediterranean environment.- Orthophosphate vs bicarbonate for buffering the acidification in a bromide enhanced ozonation of ammonia nitrogen.- New approach with fluidized bed reactor using low-cost pyrophillite/alumina composite membrane for industrial wastewater treatment.- Impact of seasonality on quorum quenching efficacy and stability for biofouling control in membrane bioreactors.- Surface modification of RO desalination membrane using ZnO nanoparticles of different morphologies to mitigate fouling.- Nutrient removal and biomass production by immobilized Chlorella vulgaris.- Treatment of printed circuit board wastewater containing copper and nickel ions by fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation process.- Investigation of the synthesis and adsorption kinetics of biochar-supported Fe3-xMnxO4 for imidacloprid pesticide removal.- A kinetic study of calcium carbonate granulation through fluidized-bed homogeneous process for removal of calcium-hardness from raw and tap waters.- Destruction of selected pharmaceuticals with peroxydisulfate (Pds): An influence of Pds activation methods.- Non-destructive in-situ fouling monitoring in membrane processes.- Preparation of TiO2/SiO2 ceramic membranes via sol-gel dip coating for the treatment of produced wastewater.- Multicriteria evaluation of novel technologies for organic micropollutants removal in advanced water reclamation schemes for indirect potable reuse.- Environmental or economic considerations in photo-Fenton processes: what choice has the most notable benefits for large scale applications?.- Optimization of energy consumption in activated sludge process using deep learning selective modeling.- Electrochemical sensors for emerging contaminants: diclofenac preconcentration and detection on paper-based electrodes.- Optimization of the wastewater treatment plant: from energy saving to environmental impact mitigation.- Influence of microalgae-bacteria consortium on the pathogens removal (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) in domestic wastewater.- Fuzzy-assisted ultrafiltration of wastewater from milk industries.- Performance of Electro-Fenton water treatment technology in decreasing zebrafish embryotoxicity elicited by a mixture of organic contaminants.- "An overview of photocatalytic drinking water treatment".- Solar Light Initiated Photoinactivation of E.coli: Influence of Natural Organic Matter.- Molecular size distribution profiles of organic matrix in reverse osmosis concentrate under oxidative and non-oxidative conditions.- Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of Humic Acids using Copper Doped TiO2.- Hyperspectral Monitoring of a Constructed Wetland as a Tertiary Treatment in a Wastewater Treatment Plant for Domestic Sewage.- Applicability of WQI and scientific communication for conservation of River GangaSystem in India.- Techno-economic feasibility of membrane bioreactor (MBR).- Electrochemical wastewater treatment with SnO2-based electrodes: a review.- Statistical analysis of the quality indicators of the Danube River water (in Romania).- Statistical analysis of the water quality of the major rivers in India.- Methane and hydrogen production from cotton wastes in dark fermentation process under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions.- Microalgae production coupled with simulated black water treatment.- Waterborne diseases in Sebou watershed.- Chances and barriers of wastewater heat recovery from a multidisciplinary perspective.- Mine water in the closure of a coal basin: From waste to potential resources.- Water Pollution by Polyclorinated Biphenyls from the Energy Sector of Armenia.- Semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of orange peel waste: preliminary results.- Nonwoven wet wipes can be hazardous substances in wastewater systems – evidences from a field measurement campaign in Berlin, Germany.- Wastewater to energy: Relating granule size and biogas production of UASB reactors treating municipal wastewater.- CO2 bio-fixation by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using different periodic CO2 dosing strategies.- A suggestion on nutrient removal/recovery from source separated human urine using clinoptilolite combined with anaerobic processing.- Niches for Bioelectrochemical systems in wastewater treatment plants.- Degradation of Gaseous VOCs by Ultrasonication: Effect of Water Recirculation and Ozone Addition.- Optimal Chlorination Station Scheduling in an Operating Water Distribution Network Using GANetXL.- Utilization of microalgae cultivated in municipal wastewater for CO2 fixation from power plant flue gas and lipid production.- Techno-economic Assessment of Combined Heat and Power Units Fueled by Waste Vegetable Oil for Wastewater Treatment Plants: a Real Case Study.- Eco-LCA of Biological Wastewater Treatments Focused on Energy Recovery.- Optimization of nutrient recovery from synthetic swine wastewater using Response Surface Methodology.- Enzymatic pre-treatment of chicken manure for improved biogas yield.- Integration of liquid-liquid membrane contactors and electrodialysis for ammonia recovery from urban wastewaters.- Remediation of water contaminated by Pb(II) using virgin coniferous wood biochar as adsorbent.- A simplified model to simulate a bioaugmented anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass.- Dissolved oxygen perturbations: a new strategy to enhance the removal of organic micropollutants in activated sludge process.- PFOA and PFOS removal processes in activated sludge reactor at laboratory scale.- Selectrodialysis and ion-exchange resins as integration processes for copper and zinc recovery from metallurgical streams containing arsenic.- Microalgae cultivation for pretreatemnt of pharmaceutical wastewater associated with microbial fuel cell and Biomass feed stock production.- Embryotoxicity and molecular alterations of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine in early zebrafish larvae.- Biological Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Using Green Microalgae and Activated Sludge as Combined Culture.- Fouling morphologies on the ion-exchange membranes in reverse electridialysis with effluent from sewage treatment plant.- Co-composting Biosolids and Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste or Carbonized Rice Hull and Trichoderma harzianum Augmented Inoculum.- Production of bioenergy and biochemicals from organic solid waste: influence of the pretreatment operating parameters.- Sulfate ion removal from reverse osmosis concentrate using electrodialysis and nano-filtration in combination with ettringite pricipitation.- Increasing sustainability on the metallurgical industry by integration of membrane NF processes: acid recovery.- Overview of the water requirements for energy production in Africa.- Evaluation of Water-Energy Nexus in Sakarya River Basin, Turkey.- Water-energy nexus in shallow geothermal systems.- Singular Applications of Capacitive Deionization: Reduction of the Brine Volume from Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plants.- An unprecedented thousand-fold enhancement of antimicrobial activity of metal ions by selective anion treatment.- Harnessing Water Chemistry to Address Complex Water Challenges for a Thirsty World.- Photo(cata)lytic membrane bioreactors for bacterial disinfection and anti-fouling enhancement in advanced wastewater treatment.- Water Networks as Flexible Loads to Power Systems.- Preparation of PES/GO/APTES-SiO2 mixed matrix membrane for the treatment of oily wastewater.- Ayun Mousa Springs: Integrated Hydrological, Environmental and Geophysical Studies.- Modelling Demand and Response in WWTPs: Extension of BSM1 with aeration tank settling.- Miscanthus as energy crop and mean of mitigating flood.- Technical-economic comparison of chemical precipitation and ion exchange processes for the removal of phosphorous from wastewater.- Advancements of electrically enhanced membrane bioreactor (eMBR) for wastewater treatment via coupling with novel inorganic, and polymeric mixed matrix membranes.- Cost effective removal of COD in the pre-treatment of wastewater from paper industry.- Sensors for water purification using the example of wastewater treatment plant Gabrovo, Bulgaria.- Design an Integration Platform Between Water Energy Nexus and Business Model applied for Sustainable Development.- New tools and approaches for soil and water bioengineering in the Mediterranean to enhance water quality.- Multi-criteria decision making for the selection of best practice seawater desalination technologies.- Modeling Co-treatment of Leachate in MunicipalWastewater Treatment Plants in the Context of Dynamic Loads and Energy Prices.- Microfiltered digestate to fertigation: a best practice to improve water and energy efficiency in the context of Biogasdoneright™.- Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks Incorporating Reliability Criteria.- Creating Abundance: Nexus Stress as A Driver for Innovation In Solving Energy and Water Stress.- Using Fast Messy Genetic Algorithm to Optimally Schedule Pump Operation.- Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) – Distributed Treatment of Wastewater at Low Energy Consumption.- Method to assess wastewater pumps in the nexus of functionality and energy efficiency.- Role of pretreatment in adsorption of Cobalt, Mercury and Nickel by native algae.- A model-based approach for energy optimization of real wastewater pumping station.