Naeem / Aftab | Emerging Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture | Buch | 978-0-323-91005-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 468 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

Naeem / Aftab

Emerging Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture

Roles in Stress Tolerance

Buch, Englisch, 468 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-91005-7
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Emerging Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture: Roles in Stress Tolerance presents current PGR discoveries and advances for agricultural applications, providing a comprehensive reference for those seeking to apply these tools for improved plant health and crop yield. As demand for agricultural crops and improved nutritional requirement continue to escalate in response to increasing population, plant researchers have focused on identifying scientific approaches to minimize the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture crops. Among the various applied approaches, the application of plant growth regulators (PGRs) have gained significant attention for their ability to enhance stress tolerance mechanisms.

This book was developed to provide foundational and emerging information to advance the discovery of novel, cost-competitive, specific and effective PGRs for applications in agriculture.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Emerging roles of plant growth regulators for plants adaptation 2. Role of salicylic acid-induced abiotic stress tolerance 3. Physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms 4. Mechanism and function of salicylate in plant toward biotic 5. Jasmonates: role in stress tolerance 6. Physiological roles of karrikins in plants under abiotic stress conditions 7. Emerging roles of strigolactones in plant responses toward biotic stress 8. Nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide interaction in plants under adverse environmental conditions 9. Melatonin: an elicitor of plant tolerance under prevailing environmental stresses 10. Strigolactones: regulation of biosynthesis, hormonal crosstalk, and its role in abiotic stress adaptation 11. Physiological roles and signaling of polyamines in plants under stressed conditions 12. Physiological roles of hydrogen sulfide under heavy metal stress 13. Role of glycine betaine in stress management in plants 14. Biogenic amines in plant cell at norma and stress: probes for dopamine and histamine 15. Alleviation of abiotic stress by newly discovered fire-instigated hormone: Karrikin 16. Role of sugars in crop stress tolerance under challenging environment 17. Acquisition of physiological modulations in medicinal plants through degraded natural polysaccharides under dynamic environment 18. Roles of turgorins and systemins in promoting agriculture 19. Effects of triazoles, strobilurins, and trinexapac ethyl on growth and development of crop plants under stress conditions 20. Use of biostimulants in tolerance of drought stress in agricultural crops

Naeem, M.
M. Naeem is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany at Aligarh Muslim University, India. His research focuses on escalating the production of medicinal plants and their active principles using potent PGRs under normal and stressful environmental conditions. His research also focuses on abiotic stress tolerance in medicinal plants. Dr. Naeem has published over 100 research papers in reputable international journals. He has also authored 12 books and co-authored several book chapters published by international publishers. Based on his research contributions, Dr. Naeem has received multiple awards and recognitions.

Aftab, Tariq
Tariq Aftab received his PhD degree in the Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, India, and is currently an Assistant Professor there. He received prestigious Leibniz-DAAD fellowship from Germany, a Raman Fellowship from the Government of India, and Young Scientist Awards from the State Government of Uttar Pradesh and Government of India. He has worked as Visiting Scientist at IPK, Gatersleben, Germany, and in the Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, United States. He has edited 14 books with international publishers, including Elsevier Inc., Springer Nature, and CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), co-authored several book chapters, and published over 65 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals. His research interests include physiological, proteomic, and molecular studies on medicinal and crop plants.

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