Narayanasamy | Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis: | Buch | 978-90-481-9734-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 291 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 1370 g


Microbial Plant Pathogens-Detection and Disease Diagnosis:

Fungal Pathogens, Vol.1
1. Auflage 2010
ISBN: 978-90-481-9734-7
Verlag: Springer

Fungal Pathogens, Vol.1

Buch, Englisch, 291 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 1370 g

ISBN: 978-90-481-9734-7
Verlag: Springer

Morphological, biological, biochemical and physiological characteristics have been used for the detection, identification and differentiation of fungal pathogens up to species level. Tests based on biological characteristics are less consistent. Immunoassays have been shown to be effective in detecting fungal pathogens present in plants and environmental samples. Development of monoclonal antibody technology has greatly enhanced the sensitivity and specificity of detection, identification and differentiation of fungal species and varieties/strains. Nucleic acid-based techniques involving hybridization with or amplification of unique DNA have provided results rapidly and reliably. Presentation of a large number of protocols is a unique feature of this volume.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Introduction.- 1.1 Microbial plant pathogens as a major limiting factor of crop production.- 1.2 Discovery of fungi as plant pathogens.- 1.3 Detection of fungal plant pathogens and disease diagnosis.- References.- Chapter 2 Detection of Fungal Pathogens in Plants.- 2.1 Detection of fungal pathogens in plant organs.- 2.2 Detection of fungal pathogens in seeds and planting materials.- Appendix.- References.- Chapter 3 Detection of Fungal Pathogens in the Environment.- 3.1 Detection of fungal pathogens in soil.- 3.2 Detection of fungal pathogens in water.- 3.3 Detection of fungal pathogens in air.- 3.4 Detection of fungal pathogens in alternative host plants.- Appendix.- References.- Chapter 4 Assessment of Variability in Fungal Plant Pathogens.- 4.1 Methods of assessment of variability in fungal pathogens.- 4.2 Assessment of variability in sensitivity to chemicals.- Appendix.- References.- Chapter 5 Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases of Plants.- 5.1 Choice of diagnostic tests for fungal pathogens.- 5.2 Agencies involved in disease diagnosis.- References.

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