Naushad / Mohamed Kutty / Hossain | Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy | Buch | 978-0-443-21801-9 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Naushad / Mohamed Kutty / Hossain

Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy

Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-21801-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-21801-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy provides a combined approach on environmental engineering, which involves the improvement of the natural environment or remediation of polluted sites. In addition, it discusses bioprocess engineering involving the development of processes for the manufacture of products from biological materials to produce a valuable bioproduct. It covers sources, impacts, and applications of industrial effluents that could potentially be used as feedstock for the IEB with examples of applied research that demonstrates the relationship between the effluents, biorefinery, treatment and bioproduct recovery. Materials that can be produced from IEB and the treatment processes for such are considered.
Naushad / Mohamed Kutty / Hossain Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Sources, generation, and properties of industrial effluents for utilization in a biorefinery 2. Environmental impact and management of industrial effluents 3. Cleaner and sustainable circular economy approaches for bio-based product recovery from industrial effluents in a biorefinery 4. Agro-industrial effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts, and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 5. Food industrial effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 6. Algae-based industrial effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 7. Municipal effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts, and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 8. Aquaculture industrial effluents: Generation, characteristics, impacts, and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 9. Palm oil mill effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 10. Recent trends in pulp and paper effluents based biorefinery for bioenergy and value-added products formation 11. Sugarcane industry effluents: generation, characteristics, impacts and applications for bio-based product recovery in a biorefinery 12. Sources, properties, and sustainable valorization technologies of agro-industrial effluents for bioproducts recovery in a biorefinery 13. Microalgal and cyanobacterial strains for nutrients recovery and bio-based products synthesis from agro-industrial effluent 14. Physico-chemical processes for industrial effluents treatment in a biorefinery 15. Role of membrane science in the sustainable development of an algal based biorefinery for industrial effluents treatment 16. Biorefinery waste-based nanocomposites for industrial effluents treatment using physicochemical techniques 17. Biological processes for industrial effluent treatment in a biorefinery 18. Recent advances in the sustainable application of biomass-based cellulose nanocrystals for industrial effluents treatment and resource recovery in biorefineries- Modelling and Optimization 19. Recent progress in the application of hybrid processes for industrial effluents treatment in biorefineries 20. Techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of industrial effluents treatment in biorefineries 21. Valorization glycerol produced as a by-product in the biodiesel industry: An insight into technical and economic studies 22. Ecological impact assessment of hazardous components of industrial effluents and their sustainable management obeying the principle of circular economy: An in-depth view 23. Current policy and regulatory challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives of industrial effluents treatment in biorefineries 24. Native microalgae consortia: a potential contribution to a biorefinery based on liquid circular inputs 25. Comparative Study of Industrial Effluents for Biorefinery Conversion

Mohamed Kutty, Shamsul Rahman
Dr. Shamsul Rahman Mohamed Kutty is working as a professor in the Civil Engineering Department at the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. He received his PhD degree from the University of Memphis, TN, United States. He has worked with UTP for more than 20 years. Throughout the years, he has been involved in research and consultancies related to environmental management systems, water quality, wastewater treatment, and solid waste management for biogas generation.

Naushad, Mu.
Dr. Mu. Naushad is working as a full professor in the Department of Chemistry, College of Science at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His research interests include wastewater treatment, adsorption, ion exchange, bioremediation, and photodegradation. Dr. Naushad is the author and coauthor of more than 500 refereed journal publications and several books, book chapters, and US patents.

Hossain, Sohrab
Dr. Md. Sohrab Hossain is currently working as a senior lecturer in the Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences at the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. Dr. Sohrab obtained his PhD degree in environmental technology from the Universiti Sains Malaysia. He has expertise in supercritical fluid technology, hazardous waste management, wastewater treatment, and waste to biofuel production.

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