Neimark / Santo | Dissipative Particle Dynamics | Buch | 978-0-443-13665-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Neimark / Santo

Dissipative Particle Dynamics

Fundamentals and Applications in Colloid and Interface Science

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-443-13665-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD): Fundamentals and Applications in Colloid and Interface Science is one of the most efficient mesoscale simulation methodologies for studying soft matter systems. Applied to nanostructured materials of supramolecular architecture, DPD bridges the gap between the microscopic atomistic and macroscopic continuum length and time scales.?The book comprehensively presents the fundamentals of DPD?theoretical formulations and computational strategies and provides a practical guidance for applications of DPD models to various colloidal and interfacial phenomena involving phase separations, self-assembly and transport in complex fluids, polymeric, surfactant, nanoparticle, and biological systems. In addition, the book contains instructive advice on efficient implementation of the DPD models in open-source computational packages. Since introduction of the principles of DPD methodology thirty years ago, multiple efforts have been performed to improve the computational basis of DPD and to devise advanced versions and modifications of the original DPD framework. The progress in parametrization techniques that can reproduce engineering properties of experimental systems attracted a lot of interest from the industrial community longing to use DPD models to characterize, help design and optimize the practical products. While there are numerous research papers, there is no book dedicated to the dissipative particle dynamics that provides a critical review of various DPD formulations, serves as a comprehensive reference source of multifaceted interdisciplinary applications, and provides a practical guidance for efficient computational implementation.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Mesoscale Materials Landscape
2. Multiscale simulations

3. Principles of DPD
4. Advanced DPD formulations
5. Phase boundaries in DPD systems
6. Parametrization of DPD models

7. Multiphase Systems
8. Surfactant Solutions
9. Polymeric Systems
10. Block copolymers
11. Polymer-grafted surfaces
12. Polyelectrolyte solutions and polymer-metal complexes
13. Polyelectrolyte membranes (PEMs)
14. Nanoparticle (NP) systems
15. Lipid membranes
16. Colloidal Systems
17.Biological systems
18. Other systems

19. Software for DPD simulation

20. Concluding Remarks

Santo, Kolattukudy P.
Kolattukudy P. Santo is a research assistant professor at the department of chemical and biochemical engineering, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Dr Santo obtained his Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. After receiving his Ph.D., he worked as a post-doctoral fellow and visiting scientist at the National Institute of Nanotechnology (NRC) and University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and later at the department of chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before joining Rutgers University in 2015, he worked as a teaching faculty at the department of physics, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, India.

Dr Santo has published 23 articles in international journals on theory and computational studies of diverse fields of soft matter, which include various polymeric systems, metal-polymer complexes, lipid membranes, proteins, and polysaccharides, isurfactant and nanoparticle solutions, and colloids. His main area of expertise is atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics simulations. He has published 23 papers in leading research journals.

Neimark, Alexander V.
Alexander V. Neimark is a Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University, USA. He received his Doctor of Science degree at the Moscow State University and worked at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences. After receiving the Humboldt fellowship in 1992, he worked at Mainz University (Germany) and then held visiting positions at CNRS (France), and Yale University (USA). Prior to joining Rutgers in 2006, he served as Research Director of the Center for Modeling and Characterization of Nanoporous Materials at the Textile Research Institute (TRI/Princeton) in 1996-2006. He is a recipient of many national and international awards and honored appointments, including Guggenheim Fellow, Blaise Pascal International Chair, Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fellow of International Adsorption Society, Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and Leverhulme Professorship. He published 280+ research papers with 31,500+ citations and Hirsh index h=74.

Neimark's research interests include thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and molecular modelling of adsorption, transport, and interfacial phenomena in nanoporous and nanostructured materials and self-assembly in surfactant and polymeric soft matter systems. For the last 12 years, his group at Rutgers has been actively involved in the development of novel simulation methods within the dissipative particle dynamics framework that resulted in 3 PhD and 3 MS dissertations and 20 papers, including a comprehensive historical perspective review [K.P. Santo and A.V. Neimark, Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations in Colloid and Interface Science, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, V.298, 102545,?DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2021.102545].

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