Nel / du Plessis / Fazey | Human Resource Management | Buch | 978-0-19-557570-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 640 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 248 mm, Gewicht: 1404 g

Nel / du Plessis / Fazey

Human Resource Management

In Australia and New Zealand

Buch, Englisch, 640 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 248 mm, Gewicht: 1404 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-557570-5
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Human Resource Management: in Australia and New Zealand provides a comprehensive approach to the subject. Firstly, it provides the reader with a perspective covering both the Australian and New Zealand contexts. Secondly, it integrates behavioural aspects aligned to organisation behaviour in the overall context of the management of people in the workplace. The book deliberately includes chapters on motivation and teamwork to give a practical approach in
exploring the interdependency between human resources and organisational behaviour in the workplace. Thirdly, the themes in the book address contemporary issues which cover specific human resource components such as human resources information systems (HRIS) and equal employment opportunity (EEO). This provides
learners with an overall perspective of not only the human resource functions, but also the more contemporary issues that impact on the core functions of human resource management. Fourthly, the chapter on international human resource management in particular focuses on issues extending beyond standard human resources within a particular country. It also provides the international perspective necessitated by the global economy within which both Australian and New Zealand organisations
Nel / du Plessis / Fazey Human Resource Management jetzt bestellen!


Undergraduate business students in Australia and New Zealand studying a human resource management subject as part of their studies.

Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1 Introduction and Context of Human Resource Management
1 Foundations of Human Resources Management for the Twenty-first Century
2 Employment Relations, HRM and the Law
3 Diversity and Employment Equity
4 Strategic Management and Strategic HRM
Part 2 HRM Functions
5 Job Analysis and Design
6 Human Resource Planning and Recruitment
7 Selection
8 Induction, Staffing Decisions and Retention
9 Remuneration Management
10 Performance Management
Part 3 Managing Behavioural Aspects of HRM
11 Motivation
12 Leadership
13 Groups and Team Work
14 Human Resources Development and Career Management
15 Organisational Renewal and Change Management
16 Human Resources Information Systems
Part 4 Contemporary Issues in HRM
17 Ethics and Social Responsibility
18 International Human Resources Management
19 The Future of Human Resources Management

Professor Pieter Nel joined Unitec as a Head of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship.

Andries du Plessis is a Senior Lecturer at Unitec Business School, New Zealand.

Mike Fazey coordinates the Human Resource Management program in the School of Business at Notre Dame, and has also lectured in HRM at Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities.

Professor Ronel Erwee is the Head of School (Management & Marketing) at the University of Southern Queensland.

Dr Soma Pillay is a Lecturer in the School of Management and Organisation Studies, Faculty of Business at Swinburne University.

Dr Bruce Hearn Mackinnon is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Deakin University.

Dr Bruce Millett is a Senior Lecturer in Management at the University of Southern Queensland.

Russell Wordsworth is a Lecturer in Management at the University of Canterbury and currently completing a PhD in management.

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