Nelke / Håkansson | Competitive Intelligence for Information Professionals | Buch | 978-0-08-100206-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 152 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 230 g

Nelke / Håkansson

Competitive Intelligence for Information Professionals

Erscheinungsjahr 2015
ISBN: 978-0-08-100206-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, 152 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 230 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-100206-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Information professionals should be able to take a proactive role as a strategic partner in their organization's competitive intelligence. Their role needs to focus on the "outside-in" approach, based on their organization's strategic needs and objectives. Competitive Intelligence for Information Professionals explores the role of strategic information and intelligence in organizations, and assesses the values and needs of intelligence in organizations. The book provides guidance on how to work strategically with competitive intelligence, methods for monitoring and analysis and a process-oriented approach. Chapters include discussions on how news monitoring and competitive intelligence interact and how this offers opportunities for cooperation between different departments. Cases from the authors' own experiences when working with competitive intelligence in international corporations are also included.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. The value of competitive intelligence 2. The right leadership adds value to competitive intelligence 3. Competitive intelligence from start to end 4. Plan and prioritise 5. Capture and manage 6. Analyse and communicate 7. The organisational side of competitive intelligence 8. Knowledge management - a vital component of competitive intelligence 9. The human side of competitive intelligence 10. The role of the information professional in competitive intelligence 11. Promoting competitive intelligence: the importance of marketing, communication and evaluation 12. Tools and methods

Håkansson, Charlotte
Charlotte Håkansson achieved her master's in Library and Information Science in 1997 from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science. As an information professional she first started her career in the pharmaceutical industry as a Documentalist at Ferring in Sweden in 1996 and then continued as a Medical Information Specialist and Corporate Intranet Project Manager at Ferring International Centre in Denmark in 1999. In 2004 she was offered the position of Business Intelligence Manager at corporate level at Nycomed in Denmark - a position she held until 2010 when the company moved to Zurich.

In 2011 she founded Novolentia - a consultant company working with individual and qualitative deliveries of business intelligence processes and solutions. Novolentia offers specialised and competitive business intelligence as well as structured information management within businesses, organisations and public areas.

In 2012 she was offered a position for research support at the library of the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences - SLU University Library. Charlotte is today working as a Team Leader Research Support at SLU University Library besides managing her own business at Novolentia.

Charlotte has a broad international experience of project management: corporate projects to analyse organisational processes, global intranet implementation, discovery and database solutions, business intelligence systems, information management of competitor solutions and information audits.

She is a member of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists (SFIS) as well as a coordinator of SFIS's Business Intelligence Network. Charlotte has also been a chair of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists South between 2006 and 2009. During the same time period Charlotte worked as an external lecturer in Business Intelligence at Copenhagen University in Denmark.

Nelke, Margareta
Margareta Nelke graduated from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in 1982 and took a diploma in Marketing Management in 1990. After a short period at a public library and a university library she worked as an information specialist in corporations. In 1983 she took up the position of library manager at Alfa-Laval and in 1989 she got a similar position at Tetra Pak. At Tetra Pak the library was transformed into a Technology Intelligence function in 1999. In June 2002 she took up a position as the Global Technology Intelligence Process Owner at Tetra Pak. From 2004 and onwards she has been working as an independent consultant in her firm, I.C. at Once, offering investigations, coaching and training in competitive intelligence, information management and business development.

During the years she has contributed to several publications and written journal articles and books on knowledge management and competitive intelligence. She has also lectured at seminars and conferences, in some cases as the keynote speaker. In 2002 she was awarded by the Special Library Association the ESLY 2002 (European Special Librarian of the Year 2002). She is a member of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists and was the President of this association between 2006 and 2009. She was also a member of the board of the Swedish School of Library and Information Science between 2008 and 2014.

Håkansson, Charlotte
Charlotte Håkansson achieved her master's in Library and Information Science in 1997 from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science. As an information professional she first started her career in the pharmaceutical industry as a Documentalist at Ferring in Sweden in 1996 and then continued as a Medical Information Specialist and Corporate Intranet Project Manager at Ferring International Centre in Denmark in 1999. In 2004 she was offered the position of Business Intelligence Manager at corporate level at Nycomed in Denmark - a position she held until 2010 when the company moved to Zurich.

In 2011 she founded Novolentia - a consultant company working with individual and qualitative deliveries of business intelligence processes and solutions. Novolentia offers specialised and competitive business intelligence as well as structured information management within businesses, organisations and public areas.

In 2012 she was offered a position for research support at the library of the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences - SLU University Library. Charlotte is today working as a Team Leader Research Support at SLU University Library besides managing her own business at Novolentia.

Charlotte has a broad international experience of project management: corporate projects to analyse organisational processes, global intranet implementation, discovery and database solutions, business intelligence systems, information management of competitor solutions and information audits.

She is a member of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists (SFIS) as well as a coordinator of SFIS's Business Intelligence Network. Charlotte has also been a chair of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists South between 2006 and 2009. During the same time period Charlotte worked as an external lecturer in Business Intelligence at Copenhagen University in Denmark.

Nelke, Margareta
Margareta Nelke graduated from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in 1982 and took a diploma in Marketing Management in 1990. After a short period at a public library and a university library she worked as an information specialist in corporations. In 1983 she took up the position of library manager at Alfa-Laval and in 1989 she got a similar position at Tetra Pak. At Tetra Pak the library was transformed into a Technology Intelligence function in 1999. In June 2002 she took up a position as the Global Technology Intelligence Process Owner at Tetra Pak. From 2004 and onwards she has been working as an independent consultant in her firm, I.C. at Once, offering investigations, coaching and training in competitive intelligence, information management and business development.

During the years she has contributed to several publications and written journal articles and books on knowledge management and competitive intelligence. She has also lectured at seminars and conferences, in some cases as the keynote speaker. In 2002 she was awarded by the Special Library Association the ESLY 2002 (European Special Librarian of the Year 2002). She is a member of the Swedish Association of Information Specialists and was the President of this association between 2006 and 2009. She was also a member of the board of the Swedish School of Library and Information Science between 2008 and 2014.

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