Volume XXIX of The Italian Yearbook of International Law opens with a Symposium on the challenges to multilateralism in international trade law. The Symposium addresses: i) the crisis of the WTO Appellate Body and possible ways out, with a focus on the EU-backed Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement; ii) the compatibility of regional trade agreements with the WTO system, having particular regard to the African Continental Free Trade Area; iii) the increasing reliance on national security clauses in trade disputes. The Volume further contains articles on the attribution to States of the conduct of State-owned enterprises; the human rights-oriented evolution of BITs; and the reform of investor-State dispute settlement. It also features timely contributions on the Italian response to exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural sector; the agreement between Italy and Niger on defence cooperation; the Italian regime on screening procedures for foreign investments; the Viola v. Italy judgment by the European Court of Human Rights; and the Italian legislation addressing a no-deal Brexit scenario. As in every volume the following sections deal with the Practice of International Courts and Tribunals and Italian Practice Relating to International Law. The remaining part of the Volume contains a bibliographical index of Italian contributions to international law scholarship published in 2019, a book review section, and an analytical index for easy consultation and reference to materials cited in the Yearbook. Published with the contribution of ENI.
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