Neziroglu / Khemlani-Patel | Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Buch | 978-0-88937-500-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 106 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 260 g

Reihe: Advances in psychotherapy

Neziroglu / Khemlani-Patel

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

ISBN: 978-0-88937-500-0
Verlag: Hogrefe Publishing GmbH

Buch, Englisch, 106 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 260 g

Reihe: Advances in psychotherapy

ISBN: 978-0-88937-500-0
Verlag: Hogrefe Publishing GmbH

This volume provides a user-friendly, evidence-based guide to the diagnosis, phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). New and seasoned clinicians can learn about the foundations of CBT for BDD as well as the rationale and instructions for modifying the approach to meet the differences in symptoms found in this client group. The book explores techniques for treatment engagement, including adjusting therapeutic style, appropriate utilization of behavioral and cognitive therapy, family involvement, and motivational interviewing techniques. Other issues associated with BDD are also highlighted: poor insight, comorbidity, concerning rates of suicidality, and ambivalence regarding treatment.
The authors outline step-by-step instructions for numerous novel and advanced treatment strategies, including perceptual re-training, attentional training, acceptance and commitment approaches, and ways to manage ongoing desire for cosmetic surgery. Detailed case examples are presented with corresponding treatment guidelines to highlight the variety in clinical presentation and corresponding treatment approaches. Printable tools in the appendices can be used in daily practice.
Neziroglu / Khemlani-Patel Body Dysmorphic Disorder jetzt bestellen!


Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and
counselors, as well as students.

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