Niedzwiecki / Pepper | Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual for Kinn's The Clinical Medical Assistant | Buch | 978-0-323-87422-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 864 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1970 g

Niedzwiecki / Pepper

Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual for Kinn's The Clinical Medical Assistant

An Applied Learning Approach

Buch, Englisch, 864 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1970 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-87422-9
Verlag: Mosby US

Designed to support the trusted content in Kinn's The Clinical Medical Assistant, 15th Edition, this study guide is an essential review and practice companion to reinforce key concepts, encourage critical thinking, and help you apply medical assisting content. This robust companion guide offers a wide range of activities to strengthen your understanding of common clinical skills - including certification preparation questions, a review of medical terminology and anatomy, and application exercises. Trusted for more than 65 years as a key part of the journey from classroom to career, it also features competency checklists to accurately measure your progress and performance from day one until you land your first job as a medical assistant.
- Comprehensive coverage of all clinical procedures complies with accreditation requirements.
- Approximately 135 step-by-step procedure checklists enable you to assess and track your performance for every procedure included in the textbook.
- Chapter-by-chapter correlation with the textbook allows you to easily follow core textbook competencies.
- Matching and acronym activities reinforce your understanding of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, and chapter vocabulary.
- Short-answer and fill-in-the-blank exercises strengthen your comprehension of key concepts.
- Multiple-choice questions help you prepare for classroom and board exams.
- Workplace application exercises promote critical thinking and job readiness before you enter practice.
- Internet exercises offer ideas for expanded and project-based learning.
- NEW! Content aligns to 2022 medical assisting educational competencies.
- NEW! Advanced Clinical Skills unit features three new chapters on IV therapy, radiology basics, and radiology positioning to support expanded medical assisting functions.
- NEW! Coverage of telemedicine, enhanced infection control related to COVID-19, and catheterization.
- NEW! Procedures address IV therapy, limited-scope radiography, applying a sling, and coaching for stool collection.
- EXPANDED! Information on physical medicine and rehabilitation.
- EXPANDED! Content on specimen collection, including wound swab, nasal, and nasopharyngeal collections.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 The Professional Medical Assistant and the Healthcare Team
Chapter 2 Health Records
Chapter 3 Introduction to Medical Terminology and Anatomy
Chapter 4 Infection Control
Chapter 5 Vital Signs
Chapter 6 Physical Examination
Chapter 7 Patient Coaching
Chapter 8 Nutrition and Health Promotion
Chapter 9 Surgical Supplies and Instruments
Chapter 10 Assisting with Surgical Procedures
Chapter 11 Principles of Electrocardiography
Chapter 12 Medical Emergencies
Chapter 13 Principles of Pharmacology
Chapter 14 Pharmacology Math
Chapter 15 Administering Medications
Chapter 16 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
Chapter 17 Dermatology
Chapter 18 Allergy and Infectious Disease
Chapter 19 Gastroenterology
Chapter 20 Orthopedics and Rheumatology
Chapter 21 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Chapter 22 Neurology
Chapter 23 Behavioral Health
Chapter 24 Endocrinology
Chapter 25 Cardiology
Chapter 26 Pulmonology
Chapter 27 Urology and Male Reproduction
Chapter 28 Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chapter 29 Pediatrics
Chapter 30 Geriatrics
Chapter 31 Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory
Chapter 32 Urinalysis
Chapter 33 Blood Collection
Chapter 34 Analysis of Blood
Chapter 35 Microbiology and Immunology
Chapter 36 Intravenous Therapy
Chapter 37 Radiology Basics
Chapter 38 Positioning for Radiology
Chapter 39 Skills and Strategies

Pepper, Julie
Julie Pepper has spent her entire career in health care, first as a medical assistant in a variety of offices and clinics, developing expertise in the electronic health record. She combines her education in dietetics with her clinical and administrative experience as an instructor in the Medical Assisting program at Chippewa Valley Technical College in Wisconsin, where she has taught for the past 18 years. Julie is also the program director for the college's new Health Navigator program. She has served as reviewer and contributor to numerous Medical Assisting educational products over the last decade, including SimChart for the Medical Office; she currently serves as sole author of The Electronic Health Record for the Physician's Office and The Simulated Administrative Medical Office and co-author of Health Insurance Today, 7e. She is taking over sole authorship of what will be titled Beik's Health Insurance Today, 8e

Niedzwiecki, Brigitte
Brigitte Niedzwiecki began her healthcare career as a nurse, working in the hospital with surgical and pediatric patients and also in urgent care. After obtaining her master's degree in nursing, Brigitte worked in patient and staff education, as a software trainer, and as a nurse educator before transitioning into education. She has been the Medical Assisting program director at Chippewa Valley Technical College in Wisconsin for nearly 20 years, during which time she has participated in reviewing and writing and has helped develop state and national Medical Assisting curricula. She is also lead author of Kinn's Medical Assisting Fundamentals, a related MA core text designed primarily for programs that do not offer a separate A&P course and are focused on certification.

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