Nishida / Inoue | Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1998 | Buch | 978-0-08-043032-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1490 g

Nishida / Inoue

Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1998

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1490 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-043032-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Automatic machines or smart robots are interconnected with distributed knowledge bases by nation- or world wide digital networks. They are supporting human life in various places, at the same time saving energy and resources. Technology and economic development are effecting rapid changes depending on the fields, regions and culture to the way people interact with the systems, while sometimes keeping, otherwise forsaking their own traditions. Man machine systems have to create new interaction styles between human and machine intelligence, support cooperation among different organizations and enhance situation understanding for the long and short term, or remote and local activities regarding performance, safety, security and satisfaction.

The seventh IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems was held in Kyoto on September 16-18, 1998. At the symposium, 99 papers were presented including four plenary papers among 131 submissions.
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Selected session headings and selected papers: Art & Industry II. Designing an interface for choreographers (T. Calvert et al.). Factory Automation I. Shopfloor systems based on human skill and experience (E.A. Hartmann, A. Westerwick). Fuzzy & Neural Network. Modelling systems using system theory and neural networks - applied to human walking (P.H. Wewerinke et al.). Process Control I. Advanced automation for power-generation plants - past, present and future (K. Kawai et al.). Traffic Control & Car Driver Model. Interaction of automated and non-automated vehicles (M. Irmscher et al.). Supervisory Control. Supervising automation (P.A. Wieringa et al.). Navigation Devices & Systems. Analysis, design and evaluation of a 3D flight guidance display (A. Helmetag et al.). Flight Management & System Control. Design of a user interface for a future flight management system (J. Marrenbach et al.). VR & Teleoperation. Virtual reality-based navigation of a mobile robot (M. Schmitt, K.-F. Kraiss). Physiological Measurement. Evaluation of emotion by using peripheral skin temperature - the effectiveness of measurement on the back of finger (T. Watanabe et al.). Nuclear II. Collaborative emergency operation of man-machine system in nuclear power plant (Y. Niwa et al.). Interface Design II. Improvement of depth perception and eye-hand coordination in laparoscopic surgery (P. Breedveld et al.). Human Behavior Model I. Operator's mental images on teamwork plant operation (Y. Nojiri et al.). Interface Devices. Super operator - wearable information system in highly automated manufacturing (J. Stahre, A. Johannson). CSCW. Support cooperation in small group context using WWW applications (C. Zhang, K.C. Tan). Keyword index. Author index.

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