Nissa / Shafi | Basic Life Science Methods | Buch | 978-0-443-19174-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Nissa / Shafi

Basic Life Science Methods

A Laboratory Manual for Students and Researchers

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-19174-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Basic Life Science Methods: A Laboratory Manual for Students and Researchers presents forty of the most executed life science assays. The authors use a consistent structure to cover the preparation, execution and analysis of data from each method. Assays include estimation of cholesterol fractions, C-Reactive Protein, Genomic DNA isolation, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, RT-PCR, DNA solution preparation, how to design primers, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This book provides a complete reference containing step-by-step instructions on how to run life science assays. Laboratory staff can also benefit of the book as a training resource.
Nissa / Shafi Basic Life Science Methods jetzt bestellen!


<p>Graduate students and early career researcher in life sciences. </p> <p>Life sciences laboratory staff members looking for resources to update their practices.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Calculations of Molarity and Normality 2. Glassware washing and sterilization techniques 3. pH Meter: Its use and calibration 4. Principle and working of Autoclave 5. Principle and working of Centrifuge 6. Principles and working of Laminar 7. Estimation of Total cholesterol (Flegg 1972) 8. Estimation of Creatinine 9. Estimation of blood Urea 10. Estimation of blood glucose By GOD - POD method 11. Determination of Albumin, and Globulin in Plasma 12. Quantitative determination of Homocysteine 13. Estimation of serum bilirubin 14. Estimation of diagnostic enzyme ALT 15. Estimation of diagnostic enzyme AST 16. To Estimate Protein by Lowry's Method 17. Estimation of Reducing sugar by using Dinitro Salicylic Acid (DNS) Method 18. To perform quantitative determination of total protein in Serum/plasma 19. Enzyme Activity Using Starch assay 20. To Estimate Protein by Bradford's Assay 21. To Identify a Protein Sample Using SDS-PAGE 22. Genomic DNA isolation from whole blood 23. PCR for gene amplification 24. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (AGE) 25. RNA Isolation from Human tissue 26. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) 27. Preparation of competent cells by CaCl2 treatment 28. RNA Isolation from Plant tissues 29. DNA isolation from the bacterial culture broth 30. DNA isolation from fungal Mycelium 31. Quantification of the DNA using spectrophotometer 32. Formaldehyde gel electrophoresis of the isolated RNA sample 33. Paper chromatography of different amino acid 34. Separation of plants pigments using Column Chromatography 35. Separation of plant pigment by Thin Layer Chromatography 36. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Protocol 37. Types of Media 38. Preparation of Nutrient Agar Media 39. Serial Dilution of the Bacterial Cells 40. Spread Plate Method of The Bacterial Cells 41. Streak Plate Method 42. Identified Bacterial Colony in Culture Broth 43. Pour plate method for bacterial colony counting 44. Gram Staining of Bacteria 45. Casein hydrolysis test 46. Antibiotic resistance test by Agar Well Diffusion Method

Shafi, Sheikh Mansoor
Dr. Sheikh Mansoor Shafi currently serves as a postdoctoral researcher at the Phenomics Laboratory within Jeju National University in South Korea. His primary research focuses on high-throughput phenomics, remote sensing and precision agriculture. Prior to this role, he held positions as a Postdoc Research Associate at SKIMS Srinagar and as a Project Associate-I at CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine Jammu (IIIM). Throughout his academic journey, Dr. Mansoor has had the opportunity to work in reputed laboratories, including the Transcriptomics Labs at SKUAST Kashmir and the Department of Biotechnology and Pathology at Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH) Rangreth Srinagar. His educational background comprises a BSc degree from SP College of Science (University of Kashmir), an MSc degree from HNBGU Uttarakhand, and a Ph.D. degree from Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu. Dr. Mansoor has been dedicated to contributing significantly to his field and has displayed a strong commitment to becoming a highly accomplished scientist. His expertise spans various areas, including biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. Dr. Mansoor's accomplishments are notable, including over more than 50 research and review papers published in esteemed journals such as Frontiers, Plos One, Scientific Reports, Journal of Fungi (JoF), Planta, Chemosphere, JEMA and Molecules etc. He has also authored 5 books and more than ten book chapters, and holds credit for filing two patent applications. He has showcased his knowledge through guest lectures on topics like sequence assembly, alignment, submission tools, and phylogenetic analysis. He has received practical training in advanced techniques in modern biology and related fields. Dr. Mansoor has been recognized with numerous national and international accolades, including prestigious awards such as Best Thesis, Young Scientist, and recognition for his exceptional oral and poster presentations. He holds membership in a significant big grant (BIRAC) awarded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in India. In addition to his accomplishments, Dr. Mansoor plays an active role as a Review Editor for Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology, and he also contributes as a reviewer for esteemed journals like 3 Biotech, Cell Reports, Frontiers, Plos One, and JARMAP. His unwavering dedication, profound expertise, and active involvement underscore his unwavering commitment to advancing scientific knowledge in his field.

Dr. Sheikh Mansoor currently serves as a
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department
of Plant Resources and Environment and
Subtropical and Tropical Organism Gene
Bank within Jeju National University in
South Korea. Prior to this role, he held
positions as a Postdoc Research Associate at
SKIMS Srinagar and as a Project Associate-I
at CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
Jammu (IIIM). Throughout his academic
journey, Dr. Mansoor has had the
opportunity to work in reputed laboratories,
including the Transcriptomics Labs at
SKUAST Kashmir and the Department of
Biotechnology and Pathology at Central
Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH),
Rangreth, Srinagar. His educational background
comprises a BSc degree from SP
College of Science (University of Kashmir),
an MSc degree from HNBGU, Uttarakhand,
and a PhD degree from Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences and
Technology of Jammu. Dr. Mansoor has been
dedicated to contributing significantly to his
field and has displayed a strong commitment
to becoming a highly accomplished
scientist. His expertise spans various areas,
including biochemistry, molecular biology,
and genetics. Dr. Mansoor's accomplishments
are notable, including more than 50
research and review papers published in
esteemed journals such as Frontiers, PLOS
One, Scientific Reports, Journal of Fungi (JoF),
Planta, Chemosphere, JEMA, Molecules etc. He
has also authored 5 books and more than 10
book chapters and holds credit for filing two
patent applications. He has showcased his
knowledge through guest lectures on topics
like sequence assembly, alignment, submission
tools, and phylogenetic analysis. He has
received practical training in advanced
techniques in modern biology and related
fields. Dr. Mansoor has been recognized
with numerous national and international
accolades, including prestigious awards such
as Best Thesis, Young Scientist, and recognition
for his exceptional oral and poster
presentations. He holds membership in a significant big grant (BIRAC) awarded by
the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in
India. In addition to his accomplishments,
Dr. Mansoor plays an active role as a Review
Editor for Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology, and
he also contributes as a reviewer for
esteemed journals like 3 Biotech, Cell Reports,
Frontiers, PLOS One, and JARMAP. His
unwavering dedication, profound expertise,
and active involvement underscore his unwavering commitment to advancing scientific
knowledge in his field.

Nissa, Nighat Un
Nighat Un Nissa has completed her M.Sc. and M.Phil. From Department of zoology, University of Kashmir. Ms. Nissa is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Zoology and is working on Fish parasites and their impact on pollution. She has published her research work in National and International journals. She was awarded Gold Medal for poster presentation in Animal science congress held by Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir.

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