Nizette / McAllister / Marks | Stories in Mental Health | Buch | 978-0-7295-4395-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm

Nizette / McAllister / Marks

Stories in Mental Health

Reflection, Inquiry, Action

Buch, Englisch, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm

ISBN: 978-0-7295-4395-8
Verlag: Elsevier Australia

Stories in Mental Health 2nd edition is an insightful collection of personal stories from a range of mental health consumers, carers and mental health nurse clinicians who openly share their experiences. Through listening and observing, this extraordinary resource offers nursing students and health professionals a unique perspective on what it is like to live with a mental health disorder, care for a family member with a mental health disorder or work within various mental healthcare settings.

Available as a print or eBook, this valuable resource builds empathy and understanding and provides examples of innovative approaches to care with a focus on reflection, inquiry and action. The teaching and learning strategies assist in developing skills, attitudes and appropriate responses when working in a range of mental healthcare settings. Most importantly, Stories in Mental Health provides a much-needed consumer voice to mental healthcare.
- All videos embedded within the eBook
- Part 1 Behind the scenes provides an overview of the structure of, and how to use, the resource.
- Part 2 Setting the scene provides the foundational concepts for practice and includes seven video and audio stories that reinforce the concepts underpinning the treatment of mental illness.
- Part 3 Stories from consumers, carers and clinicians presents 22 video and audio stories to provide insight into a range of mental health issues.
- Reflection, inquiry and action provide the framework for the teaching and learning strategies for each story.
- Weblinks and references are included for further reading and research.
- Transcripts of all interviews are included in the back of the book
- An eBook included in all print purchases
Nizette / McAllister / Marks Stories in Mental Health jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

About the authors
About this resource
Part 1: Behind the scenes
Part 2: Setting the scene
Makhala's story: Resilience
Jennifer, Anne and Christine: Cultural and social inclusion
Toby's story: Being authentic
Bernie's story: The lived experience
Jean's story: Carers
Toby: Recovery
Clinical supervision: Learning about self and others
Part 3: Stories from consumers, carers and clinicians
Claire's story: How mental health has changed
Lisa's story: Experiencing a major life transition
Mike's story: Facilitating empowerment
Gordon's story: Fatherhood
Rachel's story: Relating to young people
Nadine's story: Having a parent with a mental illness
Tara's story: Humanising dementia care
Jeremy's story: Beliefs and perceptions
Toby's story: Providing an accessible service
Lorraine's story: A creative consumer advocate
Christine's story: Primary mental healthcare 
Catherine's story: Reframing personality disorder
Louise's story: On conversational models
Jarrad's story: Containing fear
Todd's story: Consultation liaison
Sonja's story: Finding strengths
Collaborative practice
Kay's story: The social and physical impacts of alcohol
Colleen's story: Health education as core to mental health nursing
Zoe's story: Living with multiple selves
Jay's story: Being non-judgemental
Bill's story: Cultivating a therapeutic milieu

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