Obesity | Buch | 978-0-12-407766-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 720 g


Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-0-12-407766-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 720 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-407766-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

First published in 1943, Vitamins and Hormones is the longest-running serial published by Academic Press. The Editorial Board now reflects expertise in the field of hormone action, vitamin action, X-ray crystal structure, physiology and enzyme mechanisms.

Under the capable and qualified editorial leadership of Dr. Gerald Litwack, Vitamins and Hormones continues to publish cutting-edge reviews of interest to endocrinologists, biochemists, nutritionists, pharmacologists, cell biologists and molecular biologists. Others interested in the structure and function of biologically active molecules like hormones and vitamins will, as always, turn to this series for comprehensive reviews by leading contributors to this and related disciplines.

This volume focuses on obesity.
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Researchers, faculty, and graduate students interested in cutting-edge review concerning the molecular and cellular biology of vitamins, hormones, and related factors and co-factors. Libraries and laboratories at institutes with strong programs in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, gene regulation, hormone control, and signal transduction are likely to be interested.

Weitere Infos & Material

- Hormonal Regulation of Lipogenesis

Laura L. Gathercole, Stuart A. Morgan and Jeremy W. Tomlinson

- Genetic Determinants of Obesity and Related Vascular Diseases

Yaroslav Winter, Roman Sankowski and Tobias Back

- Brd2 Gene Disruption Causes 'Metabolically Healthy' Obesity: Epigenetic and Chromatin-Based Mechanisms that Uncouple Obesity from Type 2 Diabetes

Fangnian Wang, Jude T. Deeney and Gerald V. Denis

- The TBC1D1 Gene: Structure, Function and Association with Obesity and Related Traits

Luca Fontanesi and Francesca Bertolini

- Replication Initiator 1 (Repin1) In Adipose Tissue Function and Human Obesity

John T. Heiker and Nora Klöting

- Adipokines in Childhood Obesity

Gabriel Ángel Martos-Moreno, Vicente Barrios, Julie A. Chowen and Jesús Argente

- Gut Hormones and Obesity: Physiology and Therapies

Rebecca Scott, Tricia Tan and Stephen Bloom

- Neuroinflammation in Overnutrition-Induced Diseases

Dongsheng Cai

- P66shcA: Linking Mammalian Longevity with Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance

Sofia Chiatamone Ranieri, Salvatore Fusco and Giovambattista Pani

- The Emerging Role of Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR) and its Crosstalk with Liver X Receptors (LXRs) and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor ? (PPAR?) in Lipid Metabolism

Lei Xiao, Jing Wang, Mengxi Jiang, Wen Xie and Yonggong Zhai

- Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase Deficiency Protects from Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance and Obesity - Novel Insights from Mouse Models

Dominic S. Ng

- Sphingolipids in Lipid Microdomains and Obesity

Susumu Mitsutake and Yasuyuki Igarashi

- Ghrelin: At the Interface of Obesity and Reward

Harriët Schellekens, Timothy G. Dinan, and John F. Cryan

- Endocannabinoids and Obesity

Guoxun Chen and Zhen Pang

- Lipocalin 13 Regulation of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Obesity

Yingjiang Zhou and Liangyou Rui

- Sirtuin 1 Deacetylase: A Key Regulator of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism

Jongsook Kim Kemper, Sung-E Choi and Dong Hyun Kim

- Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and Obesity

Hyeongjin Cho

- Nomilin as an Anti-Obesity and Anti-Hyperglycemic AgentRyuichiro Sato

Litwack, Gerald
Dr. Litwack has authored 3 textbooks on biochemistry and hormones (one with John Wiley & Sons and 2 with Academic Press/Elsevier) and he has edited more than 70 volumes in the Vitamins & Hormones series (Academic Press/Elsevier); he has edited 14 volumes entitled Biochemical Actions of Hormones (Academica Press); He has edited (with David Kritchevsky) Actions of Hormones on Molecular Processes (Academic Press)

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