Öchsner / Altenbach | Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting II | Buch | 978-3-03785-682-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 500 g

Öchsner / Altenbach

Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting II

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (ACE-X 2012), July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-682-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (ACE-X 2012), July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 500 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-682-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This special issue of Key Engineering Materials contains selected refereed papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (ACE-X 2012) held at Kalyon Hotel (Istanbul), Turkey during the period 1st-4th July, 2012.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Inclusion of Tapered Tubes in Enhancing the Crash Performance of Automotive Frontal Structures
Graphene Nanoribbon Based Gas Sensor
Modelling of Steel Creep at High Temperatures Using an Implicit Creep Model
Study of the Secondary Phases in Inconel 718 Aged Superalloy Using Thermodynamics Modeling
The Study of Microstructures and Tensile Properties of an In Situ A356-ZrB2 Metal Matrix Composite
Selection of ILs for Separation of Benzene from n-Hexane Using COSMO-RS. A Quantum Chemical Approach
A Comparison of Tensile Strength and Impact Energy of Austempered versus Step Quenched 4340 Ultra High Strength Steel
Influence of Oil Lubrication and Heat Treatment on Wear Resistance of Thermally Sprayed Molybdenum Coating
New Developed Formula to Calculate the Permittivity of Ferrite-Polymer Composite
Adjusting the Influence Function Method for Subsidence Prediction
Effect of the Shear Force on the Failure of Spatial Concrete Framework Structures
Improvement of the Adhesive Wear Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Low-Carbon Steel by Solid Carbonization
Effects of the SIMA Process on the Microstructure of 6061 Al Alloy Refined by Al-5Ti-1B
Effect of Titanium on Microstructure of Al2014 Alloy Prepared by SIMA Process
Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Fe-Cu-C Sintered Steels
Interactive Buckling Tests of Externally Pressurized Stiffened Bent Pipelines
Synthesis and Characterization of Zn Phtalocyanine (ZnPc) Using Maghnite-Zn as Clay Catalyst
Extreme Modal Combinations for Pushover Analysis of RC Buildings
Finite Difference Approximations of Elasto-Plastic Bending Problems: Layered Approach and Error Estimates

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