Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03835-111-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, (OPTIROB 2014), June 26-29, 2014, Mangalia, Romania
Buch, Englisch, 860 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1600 g
ISBN: 978-3-03835-111-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Modellierung & Simulation
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Robotik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Produktionstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
- Technische Wissenschaften Verkehrstechnik | Transportgewerbe Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Luftverkehr
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface, Committee and Sponsors
Chapter 1: Aerospace
Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of an Insect-Like Flapping Wing
Model of Assessing the Impact of Rare Events in Aviation Security Investments Projects
CFD Analysis of Scramjet Combustor with Non-Premixed Turbulence Model Using Ramp Injector
Development of Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space
Modelling and Simulation of Suborbital Launcher for Testing
Comparison of Controllers for a UAV Type Quadrotor: Feedback Control by Bessel´s Polynomials and LQR with Kalman Filter
Conflicting Design Issues Hallmark the Compound Rocket Motors
A New Kalman-Type Approach for Satellites Attitude Determination
Advanced Strategic Planning and Capability Identification in Order to Develop a Liquid Hydrogen Turbopump
On the Hybrid Combustion Instability
A Global Study of the Performances of a New Turbofan Configuration
Performances Study of Liquid Rocket Engine
Orbital Launcher NERVA as the First Proof of the Discontinuous Variational Solution for the Atmospheric Ascent
Combustion of Camelina Oil – Kerosene Mixtures in a Micro Gas Turbine
Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA 23015 Landing Configuration with 20o Flap in Simulated Rain
Longitudinal Control System Design Using Gradient Method for a Suborbital Launcher
Theoretical and Numerical Approaches for Calculating the Performances of an Industrial Turboshaft
Chapter 2: Robotics and Mechatronics
Pneumatic Muscle Actuated Rotation-Translation System
Proper Assisted Research Method Solving of the Robots Inverse Kinematics Problem
Control of Articulated Manipulator Model Using ATMEGA16
Model of Human Hand Controlled Using Pneumatic Muscles
CBRNE Fluids Sampling Subsystem for Mobile Robot
Analysis of the Accuracy and Robustness of Kinect Sensor Used with the Scope of Robot Manipulation
The Synthesis and Testing of a Shaped Wheel for Stairs Climbing Robot
Improvement of Accuracy to Grind by Changing Position Control Gain for Shape-Grinding
Bezier Curve Based Programmed Trajectory for Coordinated Motion of Two Robots in Cartesian Space
Utilization of the Oculus Rift HMD in Mobile Robot Teleoperation
Controlled Arming of Mechanical Systems Embedded into Embarked Electrical Systems
Development of Gun Turret Drive Stabilization System with a Microcontroller and Implementation on a Model Tank
PID Control System for a Distributed Parameter Process
New Solution of Walking Robot
A Comparative Study on Geometric and Kinematic Parameters of Serial (4R) and Parallel (3T) Robots
Reduced Base Fuzzy Logic Controller for Robot Actuators
An Experimental Framework for Multi-Agents Using RTOS Based Robotic Controllers
The Dynamic Behavior of the Rotational Mechanism of One Transfer Manipulator with Electro-Hydraulic Acting
Kinematic and Force Analysis of Robot with Adaptive Electric Drives
Design of Neural Network Controllers for the Horizontal Positioning of an Industrial Manipulator
Command Structure Design of a Robot for the Vibro-Acoustic with Scanning Testing
Mechanical Structure Design of a Robot for Vibro-Acoustic with Scanning Testing
Experimental Researches Regarding Strain Measurement of Incrementally Formed Sheet Metal Parts Done Using an Industrial Robot
Some Characteristics of the 3($P$) Parallel Manipulator Inverse Model
Cooperation of Two Industrial Robots for Manipulation Rigid Objects Using SCADA System
Kinematic Solutions of a 7 DOF Robotic Arm Using Redundancy Circle and Fuzzy Models
Comparative Study on Autonomous Robot Trajectory Determination in an Unknown Indoor Environment
Robot as a Soccer Player in Multi-Robotic Application
Tuning a Neural Controller with Distributed Parameters
Modular Robot with Self-Reconfigurable Capabilities
Chapter 3: Applied Dynamics, Mechanics and Engineering
On the Dynamical Systems Stability Control and Applications
Dynamic Simulation of a Motor Vehicle in Virtual Prototyping Environment
Emissions Level Approximation at Cold Start for Spark Ignition Engine Vehicles
Influence of the Flow Section Geometry on the Static Characteristic Curves of Proportional Hydraulic Throttle Valves
Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling of Chemical Source Terms in CFD Simulations of Turbulent Reactive Flows
Technological Inherited Connections in Continuous Method of Deformational Nanostructuring
An Investigation on Plastic Matrix Composite Materials
Theoretical and Experimental Researches Regarding Multilayer Materials Used for Incremental Forming
Finite Element Method for Simulating the Vickers Hardness Test
Dynamic Simulation in Mechatronic Concept of a Photovoltaic String Equipped with Solar Tracker
The Experimental Method for Obtaining Input Data for the Design of an Automatic Magnetic Connection Mechanism
Effective Parameters of Solar Water Heating System on Ceramic Drying
The Analysis of the Influence of EMR Effects Provided From the Mobile Phones with Different SAR Index
Mesh Technique for the Finite Element Simulation of Acoustic Fluid-Solid Coupled Analysis
Use of Equimomental Systems in Calculating Inertial and Dynamic Quantities of Plane Plates
Neural Temperature Control in a Water Cylinder
Chapter 4: Maschine-Tools and Manufacturing Modern Methods
Virtual Analysis of Manufacturability of Vane Pumps
Conceptual Approach of the Environmental Impact Issued by the Manufacturing Process
Rapid Prototyping a Way to Better Optical and Ergonomic Adaptation of Spectacles
Theoretical and Experimental Researches on the Balancing Systems of Machine-Tools Feed Kinematic Chains
Analytical Determination of the CNC Machines High-Speed Feed Drives Position Loop Gain
Evaluation of True Position Using Coordinate Measuring Machine
Prediction of Temperature in Turning Ti6Al4V
Ultrasonic Activated Injection Used on Manufacturing Thin Wall Plastic Parts
Modeling of Distributed Parameter Processes with Neural Networks
Shaped Glued Connection of Two Parts Made by Rapid Prototyping Technology
Validation of Accelerated Reliability Test Techniques of Industrial Components Using Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis for Static Behaviour of the CNC Turning Machine Spindle
Improving the Capability of a Process Using Statistical Techniques
Prediction of the Structural Dynamic Behavior of High Speed Turning Machine Spindles
Method for Manufacturing Custom-Shaped Prosthetic Parts from Titanium Alloys by Incremental Forming Using Industrial Robots
Researches Regarding Optimising the Contouring Precision of CNC Laser Cutting Machines
Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Single Criteria Design Optimization
Optimum Design of Balancing Systems with Real Springs
Chapter 5: Human Motricities
On Determining the Optimal Relation between the Mental Tension and Human Motricity
Research Regarding the Influences of the Human Motricity on the Emotional Intelligence
The Assisted Study of the Game Rules Deviations Using the Dartfish Video Platform
The Role of Neuromuscular Control in the Human Psycho Motricities
Assisted Research of the Biomechanics Characteristics of the Complex Acrobatic Movement
Determining Dynamics of the Effort in Physical Education Lesson
Assisted Detertermination of the Relation between the Ruffier and Margaria Kalamen Tests and the Human Running Test
Evaluation of Postural Stability Associated to Lifting/Lowering Motions
Locomotory Diseases Influence on Body Equilibrium and Balance
Study Regarding Preferential and Performance-Related Lateralization in Human Motricities
Assisted Study of the Human Force-Power Parameters Influences to the Kinematics Motricities Characteristics
Simple System for Supporting Learning of Human Motion Capabilities
Rationale in Designing a New System for Gait Rehabilitation
Experimental Research Regarding Rehabilitation Equipment Behavior on a Recovery Program
Three Dimensional Simulations in Real Time for Personalized Drug Release Prosthesis Used in Lumbosacral Rehabilitation
Estimation of Shoulder Joint Reaction Forces and Moments Using MBS Dynamic Modeling
Human Body Kinematics and the Kinect Sensor
The Influence of Vitamin C on the Oxidative Stress in Untrained Smoking Subjects
Measurements of the Human Body Parameters Made with the GDV Camera and the SCIO Device to the Influence of Colloidal Silver Solution
Chapter 6: Image Processing
Analysis of Visual Acuity According to the Intensity of Artificial Light
A Fast Estimation of the EO/IR System Performances Using the Image Simulation in a Turbulent Atmosphere
Subjective Assessment of Multispectral Fusion Images
Image Distortion, between Unwanted Geometric Aberration and the Tool Used to Improve Observation Equipment Performance
Access Control Based on a Distributed Fingerprint Recognition System
A Contribution to the Performance Estimation of Observability with a Thermal Camera, under Real Conditions of Vibrations and Visibility
Specularity Removal for Single Image Based on Inpainting and Blending with Parameter Estimation by Neural Networks over Multiple Feature Spaces
An Affordable Temporal Calibration Method for Common Video Camera
Automated Random Testing of Image Processing Applications with Effectiveness Measure
Chapter 7: Management Application
Group Decision Support Systems and Product Lifecycle Management in Robotics
Research Regarding the Optimization of Work Relationships within Supply Chain by Defining and Evaluating Job Competencies
Improvements in Quality Assurance for Blowout Preventers Assembling/Disassembling and Maintenance Operations
Towards the Development of a Cyber-Physical Systems Oriented Enterprise Architecture
Cost Optimization in Manufacturing System with Unidirectional AGVs
Occupational Risk Assessment Using Knowledge Applications in Mining Industry - A Didactical Method