Olsson / Mulligan / Fikouras | IMS Application Developer's Handbook | Buch | 978-0-08-101601-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 730 g

Olsson / Mulligan / Fikouras

IMS Application Developer's Handbook

Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-0-08-101601-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 730 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-101601-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

IMS Application Developer's Handbook gives a hands-on view of exactly what needs to be done by IMS application developers to develop an application and take it "live" on an operator's network. It offers practical guidance on building innovative applications using the features and capabilities of the IMS network, and shows how the rapidly changing development environment is impacting on the business models employed in the industry and how existing network solutions can be moved towards IMS. Elaborating on how IMS applies basic VoIP principles and techniques to realize a true multi-access, and multimedia network, this book ensures that developers know how to use IMS most effectively for applications.

Written by established experts in the IMS core network and IMS service layer, with roots in ISDN and GSM, with experience from working at Ericsson, who have been active in standardisation and technology development and who have been involved in many customer projects for the implementation of fixed mobile converged IMS network and service. The authors of this book bring their in-depth and extensive knowledge in the organizations involved in the IMS standardization and its architecture.
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<p>Developers employed by network operators, service providers, or network equipment manufacturers; developers employed by IT companies, systems integrators, and software houses; Computer Science students studying mobile communications and applications development</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction2. Business Modelling for a Digital Planet3. Service deployment patterns4. Applications in the IP Multimedia Subsystem5. Service development6. Introduction into IP based real time communications7. Introduction into Session initiation protocol 8. Introduction into IMS network9. MMTel and other IMS enablers10. Charging11. Interworking with legacy networks12. Rich Communication Suite13. Evolved IP Multimedia architecture and services14. Future outlook: market and technology

Mulligan, Catherine
Dr Cathy Mulligan is a Visiting Researcher at Imperial College and was a founding Co-Director of the ICL Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering. She is also a Senior Research Associate at University College where she is Chief Technology Officer of the GovTech Lab and DataNet, which focuses on the potential and application of blockchain, AI and advanced communications technologies as a foundational part of the world's economy. Cathy is an expert and fellow of the World Economic Forum's Blockchain council and has recently become a member of the United Nations Secretary General's High Level Panel on Digital Co-Operation. She holds a PhD and MPhil from the University of Cambridge and is the author of several books on telecommunications including EPC and IoT.

Fikouras, Ioannis
Ioannis Fikouras is currently chief architect for Services & Software at Ericsson Research. He joined Ericsson in 2005 to pioneer the application of service composition for IN, IMS and Internet services within Ericsson. His work produced the Ericsson Composition Engine (ECE) and other technologies. Ioannis then made the switch to the real world to work as Strategic Solution Manager for Ericsson Global Services in the area of IMS and Service Delivery Platform (SDP).
He has been active as a technology strategy consultant for the European Commission Directorate General for the Information Society and other national European research organisations since 2001.
Ioannis holds a degree in computer science from the University of Bremen, Germany, where he also earned a doctorate degree on Service Composition. He is the author of numerous papers and book contributions on service composition as well as various patents on service-oriented technologies in the telecommunications domain.

Ryde, Anders
Anders Ryde is expert in network and service architecture within Ericsson AB in Sweden. He joined Ericsson in 1982 and has a background in network and service architecture development for multimedia enabled telecommunication, targeting both enterprise and residential users. He has been working with the evolution of IMS and IMS based services for more than a decade and is currently engaged in the ongoing evolution of mobile telephony service and networks to all IP and IMS. He holds a M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Stille, Mats
Mats Stille is currently holding an Expert position with Ericsson in Stockholm. He has a background in mobile telephony core network system management related work around standardisation, network and service architecture development including terminal aspects, and also acting as technical leader in teams.
He joined Ericsson in 1985 started working with core network functions of 1G analogue mobile telephony systems such as TACS and AMPS, but was soon pioneering 2G GSM standards and its development in the late 80's and early 90's. He has also worked with the Japanese 2G PDC system, 3G UMTS- and 4G systems.
Mats has been representing Ericsson for four years in the GSMA/RCS committee where he was focusing on IMS core, video and voice related services, and has been the GSMA official editor of the committee's specification on MMTel packet switched voice.
He has studied Mathematics at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.

Olsson, Ulf
Ulf Olsson is Senior Expert at Ericsson's Business Unit Multimedia, with a main interest in application architecture. He entered the world of programming forty years ago, working with large scale software system architectures for the past thirty. Initially, these efforts were in the field of distributed high performance systems for shipborne command and control, but as it turned out the principles and experiences from that field were surprisingly applicable also to the design of mobile packet data systems. He has been with Ericsson since 1996, being involved with systems like GPRS, PDC, UMTS, cdma2000 and - of course - IMS. His professional focus has recently shifted to the next level of abstraction: how to support and automate the business processes of a communications service provider.
He holds a M.Sc. in engineering physics from Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology, having also spent a scholarship year at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. He is the co-holder of a number of patents in the mobile communications area, and is a frequent contributor to Ericsson Review.

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