Optics & Laser Technology | Elsevier | Zeitschrift | sack.de

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Optics & Laser Technology

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 00303992

Optics & Laser Technology aims to provide a vehicle for the publication of a broad range of high quality research and review papers in those fields of scientific and engineering research appertaining to the development and application of the technology of optics and lasers. Papers describing original work in these areas are submitted to rigorous refereeing prior to acceptance for publication.

The scope of Optics & Laser Technology encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas:
•development in all types of lasers
•developments in optoelectronic devices and photonics
•developments in new photonics and optical concepts
•developments in conventional optics, optical instruments and components
•techniques of optical metrology, including interferometry and optical fibre sensors
•LIDAR and other non-contact optical measurement techniques, including optical methods in heat and fluid flow
•applications of lasers to materials processing, optical NDT display (including holography) and optical communication
•research and development in the field of laser safety including studies of hazards resulting from the applications of lasers (laser safety, hazards of laser fume)
•developments in optical computing and optical information processing
•developments in new optical materials
•developments in new optical characterization methods and techniques
•developments in quantum optics
•developments in light assisted micro and nanofabrication methods and techniques
•developments in nanophotonics and biophotonics
•developments in imaging processing and systems

The Journal publishes and, from time to time commissions, review articles pertaining to important areas of optical and laser technology. Short communications and technical notes are also published.
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Engineering, Energy and Technology

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