E-Book, Englisch, Band 12, 537 Seiten, eBook
Reihe: Few Body Systems Supplementa
Oryu / Kamimura / Ishikawa Few-Body Problems in Physics ’99
ISBN: 978-3-7091-6287-3
Verlag: Springer Wien
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
Proceedings of the 1st Asian-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, August 23–28, 1999
E-Book, Englisch, Band 12, 537 Seiten, eBook
Reihe: Few Body Systems Supplementa
ISBN: 978-3-7091-6287-3
Verlag: Springer Wien
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
Weitere Infos & Material
Antiprotonic Helium — A Window into the Antiworld.- Effective Linear Two-Body Method for Many-Body Problems in Atomic and Nuclear Physics.- First Principles Description of Shell Structure in Metal Clusters.- Resonances in Three- and Four-Body Atomic Systems Involving Electrons and Positrons.- Antiprotonic Helium ”Atomcule”: Relativistic and QED Effects.- High-Precision Calculation of Antiprotonic Helium Atomcules and Antiproton Mass.- Coupling of Two- and Three-Particle Channels in Slow Antiproton - Atom Collisions.- Few-Body States in Fermi-Systems and Condensation Phenomena.- Ab initio Study of Clusters and Nanotubes in Electric fields.- The Multidimensional Angular Coulomb Function Method in Atomic and Molecular Physics.- Excited States of Positronium Molecule.- Proton-Hydrogen Charge Exchange and Elastic Scattering in the Faddeev Approach.- Impact of A Few Body Reactions on Explosive Nucleosynthesis: Big-Bang and Supernovae.- Coulomb Dissociation of Unstable Nuclei — An Application of Breakup Process to Astrophysics—.- Crucial Nuclear Reactions of Light Nuclei in Astrophysics.- Measurements of Radiative Capture Reaction by Recoil Detection in Inverse Kinematics.- Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients and Astrophysical Factors.- Superfluidity of ?-, ??-, ??-Hyperons in Neutron Star Cores.- Measurement of the 8Li(?, n)11B Reaction with the Multiple-Sampling and Tracking Proportional Chamber (MSTPC) for Astrophysical Interest.- Complex Scaling Methods for the Study of Light Unstable Nuclei.- Novel Features of Unstable Nuclei Studied with AMD.- Gambling in Physics—The Stochastic Variational Method: Recent Applications—.- Microscopic Coupled-Channel Study of 12C+12C Resonance Reactions.- Continuum Level Density in the Microscopic Cluster Model.-Structures of Be Nuclei by a New Molecular Orbital Approach.- Analyses of Resonances by Using the Complex Scaling Method.- Measurement of Deuteron Elastic Scattering at Ed = 270 MeV and a Comparison with Sudden Approximation.- Chiral SU(3) Quark Model and Dibaryon (??)J?=0+.- Baryon Structure and the Chiral Symmetry of QCD.- Effective Theory Approach to Two-Nucleon Systems.- Charge Symmetry Breaking in Inelastic Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering.- Exchange Terms in the Quark-Meson Coupling Model.- Structure of the Nucleon based on a Relativistic 3-Body Approach to the NJL Model.- Effects of Coupling with Nucleon Resonances on N N Interaction.- The Interaction between H-Dibaryons and the Property of H-Dibaryon Matter.- Analysis of Axially Symmetric B = 2 Solution in the Chiral Quark Soliton Model.- Roles of Quark-Pair Correlations in Baryon Structure and Non-Leptonic Weak Transitions of Hyperon.- Spectroscopy and Liftime of Mesons with Bottom and Charm Quarks.- Implementing PCAC in Nonperturbative Models of Pion Production.- Electron-Deuteron Scattering in a Three-Dimensional Relativistic Framework.- A Free-of-Ambiguity Electromagnetic Current for the Deuteron within the Front-Form Hamiltonian Dynamics.- New Data on Ayy in Deuteron Inclusive Breakup at Large Transverse Momenta and Relativistic Description of the Deuteron at Short Distances.- Relativistic Multichannel Scattering Theory with Particle Creation.- Spin Observables for Electromagnetic Nuclear Physics with Few-Body Systems.- Precise Measurement of the Transverse Asymmetry in Quasielastic 3He(e,e?1) and the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor.- The Off-Shell Nucleon-Nucleon Amplitude: Why it is Immeasurable in Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung.- Probing Few-Body Systems with Bremsstrahlung.- Radiative Muon Capture on3He.- Measurements of Q2 Evolution of the GDH Sum Rule and the Spin Structure of the 3He and the Neutron.- Threshold Contribution to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule in 3He.- Measurement of Proton-Proton Bremsstrahlung at 389 MeV.- The ?*N ? ? Transition Form Factors.- Measurement of Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering at Large Momentum Transfers.- The Nucleon-Nucleon and Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions in the Quark Model.- The Soft-Core Nijmegen Hyperon-Nucleon and Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions.- Coupled ?N ? ?N and ?NN ? ?NN Systems and Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions.- ??d ? n?? as a Constraint on the ?? Amplitude !.- The Weak Decay of S Shell Hypernuclei and the ?I=1/2 Rule.- High-Resolution Gamma-Spectroscopy of ?7Li and ?9Be.- Four-Body Calculation of ?4H and ?4He with ?N ? ?N Conversion.- ?-Neutron Scattering Lengths.- Study of Doubly Strangeness Nuclear System with Cylindrical Detector System.- Light S= ?2 Nuclei and Hyperon Mixing.- ?-? Interferometry in (K? ,K+) Reactions at P(K?) = 1.8 GeV/c.- The ?N, ?? and ?N Attractions in the Intermediate Force Range —Ehime Approach to YN and YY Forces—.- 4He(K?,??) Spectra and the?4 He Bound State.- Neutron Rich Lambda Hypernuclei.- Final State Interaction in Kaon Photoproduction from the Deuteron.- Quark Pauli Principle in ?-Hypernuclear Systems.- An SU(3) Symmetric OBEP with Gaussian Core between Octet Baryons.- Scattering Observables of the YN Interaction in the SU6 Quark Model.- Precise Measurement of dp Scattering at 270 MeV.- Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering with ?-Isobar Excitation.- Some Highlights of NN and 3N Studies at TUNL.- Expectations in Systematic 3N Experiments.- Three-Nucleon Scattering: New Physical Insights and Applications.- A Practical Method forRelativistic 3N-Scattering Calculations with Realistic Potentials.- Solutions of Faddeev-Yakubovsky Equations in Configuration Space for the 4N Scattering States.- Use of Realistic N-N Interactions to Calculate 4N Scattering Observables.- Recent High-Accuracy Measurements of the 1So Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length.- Phase-Shift Analysis of Elastic pp Scattering at High Energies and Catastrophic Energy-Dependence of Spin-Orbit Interaction.- Helicity Formalism for NN Scattering without Partial Wave Decomposition.- The np ? d(??)0 Reaction with the ?-Model and ?? Model.- Pion Production Mechanism in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions.- Measurement of Cross Sections and Vector and Tensor Analyzing Powers for d - p Elastic Scattering at Ed = 270 MeV.- Nucleon-Deuteron Break-Up Scattering with ?-Isobar Excitation.- Effect of ?-Isobar Excitation on Spin-Dependent Observables of Elastic Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering.- Phase-Shift Analyses of p-3He Scattering at Low Energies.- Studies of 2H(d,p)3H Reaction at Ed = 30 keV by Four-Body Faddeev-Yakubovsky Equation.- 3He(;d,p)4He Reaction at Intermediate Energies.- Analysis of the 3He(d,p)4He Reaction at Elab =270 MeV Summary.- Concluding Remarks.- List of Participants.- List of Authors.