Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | Oxford University Press | Zeitschrift | sack.de

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

ISSN 01436503

Oxford University Press

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

ISSN 01436503
Oxford University Press

The Oxford Journal of Legal Studies is published on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. It is designed to contribute to understanding in all matters relating to law. While the Journal has an emphasis on theoretical work and on broad issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines, no topic of legal interest and no approach to scholarship is excluded. The Journal welcomes outstanding original contributions in doctrinal and critical scholarship on domestic and international law, and contributions to comparative law, to legal history, and to legal philosophy. We welcome interdisciplinary contributions in areas of relevance to the law and, in particular, work that uses the techniques of the social sciences and the humanities to contribute to understanding in legal studies.
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