Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 520 g
Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 520 g
ISBN: 978-0-12-824086-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing
Applications of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Theories in Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering contains several practical applications on how decision-making theory could be used in solving problems relating to the selection of best alternatives. The book focuses on assisting decision-makers (government, organizations, companies, general public, etc.) in making the best and most appropriate decision when confronted with multiple alternatives. The purpose of the analytical MCDM techniques is to support decision makers under uncertainty and conflicting criteria while making logical decisions.
The knowledge of the alternatives of the real-life problems, properties of their parameters, and the priority given to the parameters have a great effect on consequences in decision-making. In this book, the application of MCDM has been provided for the real-life problems in health and biomedical engineering issues.
<p>Primary: Researchers in medical, science and engineering fields; Graduate and post-graduate students using multi-attribute techniques for solving the problems of their respective areas.</p> <p>Secondary: Medical students; Healthcare policy makers; Educational Institutions; Government.</p>
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Computeranwendungen in der Technik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizin, Gesundheitswesen Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik, Medizinische Werkstoffe
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizin, Gesundheitswesen Medizinische Mathematik & Informatik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Angewandte Informatik Computeranwendungen in Wissenschaft & Technologie
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Künstliche Intelligenz
Weitere Infos & Material
1. Introduction2. Theoretical aspects of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods3. Fuzzy PROMETHEE-based evaluation of brain cancer treatment techniques4. Evaluation of stage IV brain cancer Treatment Techniques5. Analysis of early stage breast cancer treatment techniques6. Fuzzy PROMETHEE-based evaluation of skin cancer treatment techniques7. Fuzzy PROMETHEE-based evaluation of prostate cancer treatment techniques8. Comparative evaluation of point-of-care glucometer devices in the management of diabetes mellitus9. Comparison of MRI devices in dentistry10. Application of fuzzy PROMETHEE on hearing aid11. A comparative study of X-ray based medical imaging devices12. Evaluation and simulation of dental instrument sterilization techniques with fuzzy PROMETHEE13. Application of fuzzy TOPSIS in the sterilization of medical devices14. Evaluation of the effectiveness of adult HIV antiretroviral treatment regimens using TOPSIS15. Evaluating the effectiveness of recommended HIV adult postexposure prophylaxis drug regimens by using fuzzy PROMETHEE16. The use of multicriteria decision-making method-fuzzy VIKOR in antiretroviral treatment decision in pediatric HIV-infected cases17. Evaluation of oral antiviral treatments for chronic Hepatitis B using fuzzy PROMETHEE18. Evaluation of migraine drugs using MCDM methods19. Top cancer treatment destinations: a comparative analysis using fuzzy PROMETHEE