Palmatier / Sivadas / Stern | Marketing Channel Strategy | Buch | 978-0-367-26209-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 402 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1930 g

Palmatier / Sivadas / Stern

Marketing Channel Strategy

An Omni-Channel Approach

Buch, Englisch, 402 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1930 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-26209-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Marketing Channel Strategy: An Omni-Channel Approach is the first book on the market to offer a completely unique, updated approach to channel marketing. Palmatier and Sivadas have adapted this classic text for the modern marketing reality by building a model that shows students how to engage customers across multiple marketing channels simultaneously and seamlessly.

The omni-channel is different from the multi-channel. It recognizes not only that customers access goods and services in multiple ways, but also that they are likely doing this at the same time; comparing prices on multiple websites, and seamlessly switching between mobile and desktop devices. With the strong theoretical foundation that users have come to expect, the book also offers lots of practical exercises and applications to help students understand how to design and implement omni-channel strategies in reality.

Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in marketing channels, distribution channels, B2B marketing, and retailing classes will enjoy acquiring the most cutting-edge marketing skills from this book.

A full set of PowerPoint slides accompany this new edition, to support instructors.
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List of Tables, Figures, and Appendices


CHAPTER 1: The Omni-Channel Ecosystem

Learning Objectives


What Is a Marketing Channel?

The Changing Channel Landscape

Marketing Channel Actors

Manufacturers: Upstream Channel Members

Intermediaries: Middle Channel Members


Retail Intermediaries

Specialized Intermediaries

End-Users: Downstream Channel Members

Combinations of Channel Members

Online Channels

From a Multi-Channel to an Omni-Channel World

Distinction Between Multi-Channel and Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies: Trends Driving the Shift

Trend 1: Channel Participants Operate in a Connected World

Trend 2: Cross-Channel Shopping

Trend 3: Altered Shopping Norms

Trend 4: Moving into Services

Trend 5: Targeted Promotions and Customer Insights

Channel Strategy Framework


CHAPTER 2: Channel Basics

Learning Objectives


The Importance of Marketing Channel Strategies

Why Do Marketing Channels Exist?

Benefits for Downstream Channel Members

Search Facilitation


Benefits to Upstream Channel Members

Routinization of Transactions

Fewer Contacts

The Key Functions Marketing Channels Perform

Channel Functions

Designing Channel Structures and Strategies

Auditing Marketing Channels

Auditing Channel Functions Using the Efficiency Template

Evaluating Channels: The Equity Principle

Evaluating Channels: Zero-Based Channel Concept

Auditing Channels Using Gap Analysis

Sources of Channel Gaps

Service Gaps

Cost Gaps

Combining Channel Gaps

Evaluating Channels: Gap Analysis Template

Make-or-Buy Channel Analysis

Auditing Omni-Channels


CHAPTER 3: Channel Power

Learning Objectives

Introduction: The Nature of Marketing Channels


Power as a Tool

The Five Sources of Channel Power

Reward Power

Coercive Power

Expert Power

Legitimate Power

Referent Power

Dependence as the Mirror Image of Power

Defining Dependence

Measuring Dependence

Utility and Scarcity

Percentage of Sales or Profits

Role Performance

Balancing Power: A Net Dependence Perspective

Imbalanced Dependence

Strategies for Balancing Dependence

Strategies for Tolerating Imbalanced Dependence

Power-Based Influence Strategies

Omni-Channels and Power


CHAPTER 4: Channel Relationships

Learning Objectives


Why Do Relationships Matter in Marketing Channels?

Upstream Motives for Building a Strong Channel Relationship

Downstream Motives for Building a Strong Channel Relationship

Building Channel Commitment

Need for Expectations of Continuity

Need for Reciprocation: Mutual Commitment

Strategies for Building Commitment

How Downstream Channel Members Commit

How Upstream Channel Members Commit

Building Channel Trust

Need for Economic Satisfaction

Strategies for Building Channel Partners’ Trust

Role of Noneconomic Factors

Decision-Making Processes

Overcoming Channel Distrust

Preventing Perceptions of Unfairness

The Channel Relationship Lifecycle

The Five Stages of a Channel Relationship

Managing the Stages

Managing Troubled Relationships

Relationship Portfolios

Relationship Quality

Multi-Channel Versus Omni-Channel Relationships


CHAPTER 5: Channel Conflict

Learning Objectives


The Nature of Channel Conflict

Types of Conflict

Measuring Conflict

Consequences of Conflict

Functional Conflict: Improving Channel Performance

Manifest Conflict: Reducing Channel Performance

Major Sources of Conflicts in Channels

Competing Goals

Differing Perceptions of Reality

Intrachannel Competition


Identifying Multi-Channel Conflicts

Managing Multiple Channels

Unwanted Channels: Gray Markets

Mitigating the Effects of Conflict in Balanced Relationships

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Forestalling Conflict through Institutionalization

Information-Intensive Mechanisms

Third-Party Mechanisms

Building Relational Norms

Using Incentives to Resolve Conflicts


CHAPTER 6: Retailing Structures and Strategies

Learning Objectives

The Nature of Retailing

Classification of Retailers


Warehouse Clubs

Department Stores

Specialty Stores

Full Line Discount Stores

Convenience and Drug Stores

The Retail Landscape

The Big Players

Modern Shifts and Challenges

Retail Positioning Strategies

Cost-Side Positioning Strategies

Demand-Side Positioning Strategies


Spatial Convenience

Waiting and Delivery Time

Product Variety

Customer Service

Retail Channels

Internet Retail Channels & E-Commerce

Direct Selling Channel

Hybrid Retail Channels

Retailer Power and Its Effects

Effect on Forward Buying

Effect on Slotting Allowance

Effect on Failure Fees

Effect on Private Branding

Retailing Structures and Strategies


CHAPTER 7: Wholesaling Structure and Strategies

Learning Objectives


What Is a Wholesaler?

How Are Wholesalers Different from Distributors?

The Wholesaler-Distributor Landscape

Master Distributors

Other Supply Chain Participants

Wholesaling Strategies

A Historical Perspective on Wholesaling Strategy

Wholesaling Value-Added Strategies

Alliance-Based Wholesaling Strategies

Wholesaler-Led Initiatives

Manufacturer-Led Initiatives

Retailer-Sponsored Cooperatives

Consolidation Strategies in Wholesaling

Adapting to Trends in Wholesaling

International Expansion


B2B Online Exchanges

Online Reverse Auctions

Fee for Services

Vertical Integration of Manufacturing into Wholesaling


CHAPTER 8: Franchising Structure and Strategies

Learning Objectives

Franchising Formats

Product and Trade Name Franchising

Business Format Franchising

The Franchising Arrangement

Benefits of Franchising

To Franchisees

Start-Up Package

Ongoing Benefits

Competitive Advantages of Franchising

To Franchisors

Financial and Managerial Capital for Growth

Harnessing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Reasons Not to Franchise

Franchising Strategies

Franchising Contracting Strategies

Payment Systems



Contract Consistency

Contract Enforcement

Self-Enforcing Agreements

Company Store Strategies

Market Differences

Temporary Franchise and Company Outlets

Plural Forms and Synergies

Exploiting Franchises with Company Outlets

Adapting to Challenges in Franchising

Survival Trends

Maintaining a Cooperative Atmosphere

Managing Inherent Goal Conflict

Multi-Unit Franchising

Franchising and Omni-Channels


CHAPTER 9: Channels and International Markets

Learning Objectives


Key Middlemen in International Business

Export Management Companies

Export Trading Companies


International Retailing

International Franchising

International Distribution Challenges

The Role of the Wholesaler

Marketing to the Base of the Pyramid

Defining the Market

Ethical Considerations at the BOP

Distribution to the BOP

Omni-Channel and Global Marketing


CHAPTER 10: End-User Analysis: Segmenting and Targeting

Learning Objectives

Introduction: Understanding the Importance of Channel Segmentation

End-User Segmentation Criteria: Service Outputs

Bulk Breaking

Spatial Convenience

Waiting or Delivery Time

Product Variety and Assortment

Customer Service

Information Sharing

Segmenting End-Users by Service Output

Targeting End-User Segments

Omni-Channels and End-User Segments


CHAPTER 11: Omni-Channel Strategy

Learning Objectives


Key Challenges of the Omni-Channel Approach

The Four Pillars of an Omni-Channel Strategy

Harnessing Customer Knowledge

Leveraging Technology

Managing Channel Relationships

Assessing Channel Performance



Robert W. Palmatier is Professor of Marketing and John C. Narver Endowed Professor in Business Administration at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington, USA and the Research Director of the Sales and Marketing Strategy Institute.

Eugene Sivadas is Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean at the Milgard School of Business, University of Washington Tacoma, USA.

Louis W. Stern is John D. Gray Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA.

Adel I. El-Ansary is the Donna L. Harper Professor of Marketing at the University of North Florida, USA.

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