Pandey / Jeon | Current Developments in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | Buch | 978-0-323-91235-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Pandey / Jeon

Current Developments in Bioengineering and Biotechnology

Advances in Eco-friendly and Sustainable Technologies for the Treatment of Textile Wastewater
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-91235-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Advances in Eco-friendly and Sustainable Technologies for the Treatment of Textile Wastewater

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-91235-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Advances in Eco-friendly and Sustainable Technologies for the Treatment of Textile Wastewater delivers a comprehensive overview of the advancements in a variety of treatment approaches with a major emphasis on bioremediation for the removal and degradation of textile dyes. This book summarizes the latest advancements in textile dyes/effluent treatment technologies and evaluates the major physico-chemical and biological processes that are most popular among textile industrial wastewater treatment plants. The book examines recent advanced treatment options, including photocatalysis with the aid of nanotechnology, as well as advanced oxidation processes, with an emphasis on bioremediation methods.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction: Global scenario of textile pollution; Country-wise industrial contribution, severity, and ecological consequences
2. Detrimental effects of synthetic dyes on ecology: Ecotoxicity and its evaluation methods
3. Biogenic synthesis of the metal oxide-based photocatalysts for dyes removal
4. Recent advances of hybrids layered double hydroxides as catalysts for removal of synthetic dyes from wastewater
5. Recent advances in the metal-organic framework and its derivative nanoparticles for effective textile wastewater treatment
6. Waste material recycled adsorbent for abatement of textile dyes
7. Biochar: A sustainable approach for the adsorptive removal of hazardous textile dyes
8. Exploiting waste-biomasses through solid-state fermentation (SSF) approach for efficient treatment of textile wastewater
9. Water reclamation from textile dyeing wastewater: a membrane-enabled sustainable approach
10. Role of Analytical Techniques in the treatment of synthetic dyes and textile effluent
11. Bacterial mediated degradation of synthetic dyes
12. Fungal mediated degradation of synthetic dyes
13. Yeast mediated degradation of synthetic dyes
14. Exploration of Lichens for bioremediation of textile dyes: A journey from hypothesis to evidence
15. Extremophiles as an important mediator of choice in biodegradation of synthetic dyes and textile effluent
16. Microalgae-based biotechnologies for efficient treatment of diverse dyes from wastewater
17. Cactus: A promising candidate for the efficient remediation of hazardous dyes
18. Phytoremediation of synthetic dyes and textile effluent
19. Mixed microbial consortium for the decolorization of textile dyes
20. Enzymes responsible for the metabolism of synthetic dyes
21. Optimization: Most influential parameters affecting bioremediation process of dyes and textile wastewater
22. Integrated chemical and biological processes for the effective degradation of synthetic dyes
23. Advances in constructed wetland systems and its engineered designs for the realistic treatment of textile effluents
24. Microbial immobilization for gaining industrial feasibility for textile wastewater treatment
25. Bioreactors for dye removal from wastewater
26. Bioelectrochemical systems for treatment of textile dyes and wastewaters
27. Autochthonous microbes and its efficacy to mitigate environmental pollutants from the textile industry
28. Advanced genetic engineering methods for dye degradation
29. Systems biology and multi-omics integration of bioprocessing in textile wastewater treatment
30. The problems and bottlenecks associated with textile treatment technologies including real scale feasibility issues and their possible solutions

Jeon, Byong-Hun
Professor Byong-Hun Jeon is a Professor and Director of Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation (LINC) at Hanyang University, South Korea. He holds BS degree in Mineral and Petroleum Engineering from Hanyang University, and earned both his MS and Ph. D. degrees at the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is an active Chair of the Reviewers Board for the National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Education, South Korea. Professor Jeon is also an Advisory Committee Member for SMTECH, South Korea. He is actively serving as an Editorial board member of several internationally acclaimed journals including Frontiers in Microbiology, Energies, and Geosystem Engineering. He is frequently acting as session Chair and co-organizer of Geochemistry division in American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, USA.
He has conducted world-leading research in Environmental Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology. He has published more than 250 research articles in internationally acclaimed research journals including Nature communication, Energy and Environmental Science, Coordination Chemistry Reviews and Trends in Biotechnology, etc. Moreover, his applied research in environmental technology has fruitfully provided him over 25 patents and 3 technology transfers. His prolific research has attracted over 8000 citations to his articles. His current research interests include advanced biological wastewater treatment using microalgae and plants as ecofriendly bio-tools for the improved removal of nutrients and contaminants from wastewater. His research group is primarily investigating bioremediation and wastewater treatment with major emphasis on biodegradation and removal of organic micro-pollutants in wastewater using microbial tools. Specific interest has been on microalgal and plant removal of emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and dyes. He has developed advanced wastewater treatment via coupling of microalgae cultivation for improved removal of N, P, and emerging organic contaminants from wastewater, and further utilization of microalgal biomass for bioenergy production. He is also investigating the co-digestion of wastewater sludge with high-strength organic waste for enhanced biogas production to develop an economically feasible process. He has established the coupling of the wastewater treatment system with bioenergy production for generating biofuel products using the recovered biomass from wastewater treatment. His specific research interests include biodegradation, fate and transport of environmental pollutants, aquatic ecotoxicology and ecology, environmental microbiology, and bioenergy.

Pandey, Ashok
Professor Ashok Pandey is currently Distinguished Scientist at the Centre for Innovation and Translational Research, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India and Executive Director (Honorary) at the Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability - India. Formerly, he was Eminent Scientist at the Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali and Chief Scientist & Head of Biotechnology Division and Centre for Biofuels at CSIR's National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Trivandrum. His major research and technological development interests are industrial & environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels & chemicals, waste to wealth & energy, industrial enzymes, etc. Professor Pandey is Adjunct/Visiting Professor/Scientist in universities in France, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, South Africa, and Switzerland and also in several universities several in India. He has ~1400 publications/communications, which include 16 patents, 87 books, >700 papers and book chapters, etc with h index of 102 and ~46,300 citations (Goggle scholar). He has transferred several technologies to industries and has done industrial consultancy for about a dozen projects for Indian/international industries. Professor Pandey is the recipient of many national and international awards and honours, which include Distinguished Scientist, VDGOOD Professional Association, India (2020); Distinguished Professor of Eminence with global impact in the area of Biotechnology, Precious Cornerstone University, Nigeria (2020), Highest Cited Researcher (Top 1% in the world), Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science (2019); IconSWM Life-time Achievement Award 2019, International Society for Solid Waste Management, KIIT, Bhubaneshwar, India (2019); Yonsei Outstanding Scholar, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2019), Highest Cited Researcher (Top 1% in the world; Top 10 in India), Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science (2018); Life-Time Achievement Award from the Biotech Research Society, India (2018); Life-Time Achievement Award from Venus International Research Awards (2018), Most Outstanding Researcher Award from Career360 (2018), Life-Time Achievement Award from the International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2017); Academician of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria (2015); Honorary Doctorate degree from Univesite Blaise Pascal, France (2007); Thomson Scientific India Citation Laureate Award, USA (2006); UNESCO Professor (2000); Raman Research Fellowship Award, CSIR (1995); GBF, Germany and CNRS, France Fellowships (1992) and Young Scientist Award (1989), etc. He is Fellow of various academies, which include Royal Society of Biology, UK (2016); International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2016); National Academy of Sciences, India (2012); Association of Microbiologists of India (2008), International Organization of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2007) and the Biotech Research Society, India (2005). Professor Pandey is Founder President of the Biotech Research Society, India (; Founder & International Coordinator of International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, France (, Chairman of the International Society for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (, Editor-in-chief of Bioresource Technology (, Honorary Executive Advisor of Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (, Journal of Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing (, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (, Subject Editor, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India ( and Associate Editor, Biologia - Section Cellular and Molecular Biology ( and editorial board member of several international and Indian journals

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