Panwar / Samuel / Kumar | Volatiles and Metabolites of Microbes | Buch | 978-0-12-824523-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 820 g

Panwar / Samuel / Kumar

Volatiles and Metabolites of Microbes

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 820 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-824523-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Volatiles and Metabolites of Microbes compiles the latest research and advancement in the field of volatiles, metabolites synthesized from the microbial strains such as actinomycetes, bacteria, cyanobacteria, and fungal species and their potential applications in the field of healthcare issue and sustainable agriculture.

There is an urgent need to explore new and advanced biological methods for health industries and sustainable agriculture and to protect the environment from environmental pollution or contaminates, global warming, and also control the health of human beings from the side effects of various pharmaceuticals products.

Focusing all these factors, Volatiles and Metabolites of Microbes explores new aspects of microorganism in terms of volatiles, enzymes, bioactive compounds synthesized from the microbes and their potential applications in the field of sustainable agriculture and health-related issues
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Microbial secondary metabolites: recent developments and technological challenges
2. Bacterial VOCs and gene-induced host-defense pathways
3. Microbial volatiles: small molecules with an important role in intra- and interbacterial genus interactions-quorum sensing
4. Detection and purification of microbial volatile organic compounds
5. Microbial volatiles as new frontiers in antibiotic research
6. Fungal volatile compounds: a source of novel in plant protection agents
7. Endophytic microbes: an array of organic volatiles and secondary metabolites
8. Role and behavior of microbial volatile organic compounds in mitigating stress
9. Significance of microbial volatiles in ecological health: impact on wetland systems
10. Endophytic bacteria as source of novel bioactive compounds
11. Bacterial metabolites: an unexplored quarry
12. Microbial metabolites in nutrition and healthcare
13. Fungal strains as source of bioactive compounds and their potential application
14. Cyanobacteria-derived small molecules: a new class of drugs
15. Endophytic fungi as a potential source of cytotoxic drugs: a fungal solution to cancer
16. Volatile organic compounds for enhancement of plant growth through plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
17. Importance of microbial secondary metabolites in health care applications
18. Role of fungal metabolites as biopesticides: an emerging trend in sustainable agriculture
19. Endophytes producing active constituents in Centella asiatica with a special emphasis on asiaticoside and madecassoside: a review update
20. Endophytes producing bioactive compounds from Piper spp.: a review on utilization, bottlenecks, and future perspectives
21. Recent advances and future prospects of indole alkaloids producing endophytes from Catharanthus roseus

Panwar, Joginder Singh
Prof. Joginder Singh is a Professor at the Department of Botany, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland, India. Previously, he worked as a Professor in the School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University and also as a Young Scientist at Microbial Biotechnology and Biofertilizer Laboratory, Department of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University on a research project funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He is an active member of various scientific societies and organizations, including the Association of Microbiologists of India, the Indian Society of Salinity Research Scientists, the Indian Society for Radiation Biology, and the European Federation of Biotechnology. He has published extensively with Elsevier and Springer both in journals and books. He serves as a reviewer for many prestigious journals, including Current Research in Engineering, Science and Technology; Journal of Cleaner Production; Science of the Total Environment; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Pedosphere; Soil and Sediment Contamination; Symbiosis; International Journal of Phytoremediation; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Annals of Agricultural Sciences; and Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Kumar, Ajay
Ajay Kumar is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. His areas of research include artificial intelligence, materials, incremental sheet forming, additive manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, Industry 4.0, waste management, and optimization techniques.

Samuel, Jastin
Dr. Jastin Samuel (PhD) is working as Assistant Professor leading waste valorization research lab at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. He has more than a decade experience in R&D. He has been an active part of DST, EU-DBT, and CSIR-funded projects. He was awarded the prestigious CSIR-SRF fellowship in Engineering (ENG42) in 2013. Along with his team, he has developed lab-scale mine wastewater treatment system for opencast mines at Orissa, India; established ETP tertiary treatment facility for two industries (sugar industry and distillery industry) with reuse and business proposition in Andhra Pradesh, India, that is, approved by CPCB; established a water treatment facility at Pondicherry in PPP mode with the State Government. He is presently working on pathway assessment and mitigation of Micro and Nano-plastics. He has been a member of review boards of various journals and conferences in India and abroad.

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