Paoletti / Tomás / Menéndez | Practices of Ethics | Buch | 978-1-4438-4745-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 215 Seiten

Paoletti / Tomás / Menéndez

Practices of Ethics

An Empirical Approach to Ethics in Social Sciences Research

Buch, Englisch, 215 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-4745-2
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book is intended for social sciences researchers, in a variety of disciplines, including sociology, sociolinguistics, psychology, gerontology, and ethnography, who, during all stages of their research, be it quantitative or qualitative, are confronted with ethical dilemmas. As such, the chapters in this book provide the reader with examples of ethical reflection within the research process. The selection does not cover all the possible ethical issues they may face, but all of the chapters deal with the complex and unexpected, but fundamental, ethical questions that arise before, during and after fieldwork, and which do not always find clear guidance from the professional ethical codes they submit to. The studies in this book contribute to the present debate on ethical issues in social sciences research, in addition to problematizing a normative approach to ethics in social sciences research, and highlighting the importance of considering the social character of research activities when applying ethical guidelines or Research Ethic Committees’ prescriptive procedures. These essays document researchers’ practical moral reasoning in carrying out their research activities and in complying with the relevant legislation in relation to protecting research participants. Practices of ethics are identified and made describable; they are made the object of empirical documentation. This book shows that a new empirical approach to ethics as a discipline is emerging, having practices of ethics as its specific object of study.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Isabella Paoletti is a Researcher at CLUNL, Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal. Her research interests are informed by ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and associated ethnographic approaches. Her recent publications include “The issue of conversationally constituted context and localization problems in emergency calls”, in Text and Talk.

Maria Isabel Tomás teaches in the Linguistics Department of Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal. Her research work has focused on Portuguese-based Creoles as minority languages. Her recent publications include “From emigration to immigration: Towards an assessment of immigration language policies in Portugal”, in L’Europe des 27 et ses langues.

Fernanda Menéndez taught in the Linguistics Department of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal until her recent sudden death. Her areas of interest were discourse analysis, forensic linguistics and historical linguistics. Her published works include “Le bouleversement des règles ou de la ponctuation chez Saramago”, in Ecritures.

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