Papastavridis / Trapp | Crimes at Sea /La criminalité en mer | Buch | 978-90-04-26807-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 15, 864 Seiten, Gewicht: 983 g

Reihe: Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations Series

Papastavridis / Trapp

Crimes at Sea /La criminalité en mer

Buch, Englisch, Band 15, 864 Seiten, Gewicht: 983 g

Reihe: Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations Series

ISBN: 978-90-04-26807-4
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

With the increasing sophistication of transnational criminal organization, coupled with globalization and its heavy dependence on maritime transport, the suppression of criminality at sea has again become a priority on the international community’s agenda. The theme at the heart of this volume is therefore Crimes at Sea — an issue of both great practical importance and academic interest. This work is the fruit of the 2012 session of the Hague Academy Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations — collectively, the fourteen chapters in this volume underscore the common challenges in international co-operation at the legal level with respect to crimes at sea and identify a number of the potential strengths and shortcomings of the applicable international law. There is a wide breadth of subject matters addressed in this volume, some focusing on particular crimes at sea, others on the general international legal framework within which responses to criminality at sea operate. Throughout the volume, there is a common theme of regime interaction — exploring the limits and efficiencies resulting from the overlapping applicability of human rights law, international criminal law, the law of State responsibility and the UN Charter regime. The contributions both illustrate and clarify the significant links between these legal regimes which support the fight against crimes at sea.

Originally published as Colloques / Workshops – Law Books of the Academy, Volume 35.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Excerpt of table of contents:

Foreword; Introduction; The Reports of the Directors of Studies
Chapter 1 Crimes at Sea: A Law of the Sea Perspective — Report of the Director of Studies of The English-Speaking Section of the Centre
Chapter 2 La criminalité en mer: l’approche du droit international — rapport du directeur d’études de la section de langue française du centre
Part I Suppression
Chapter 3 La compétence nationale en matière de pollution marine
Chapter 4 Illegal Fishing as a Criminal Act at Sea
Chapter 5 La Compétence des tribunaux internes en matière de piraterie
Chapter 6 Le trafic illicite de migrants en mer
Chapter 7 Le vol à main armée en mer
Chapter 8 Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in the Prosecution of Serious Maritime Crimes: A Comparative and Critical Analysis of Applicable Legal Frameworks
Part II Prevention
Chapter 9 Private Armed Guards in the Fight against Piracy
Part III Protection and Security
Chapter 10 Search and Rescue
Chapter 11 Maritime Interdiction and Human Rights
Chapter 12 La lutte contre la criminalité en mer à l’épreuve de la cour européenne des droits de l’homme
Part IV International Criminalization
Chapter 13 La pénalisation de la prolifération maritime des armes de destruction massive
Chapter 14 War Crimes During Armed Conflicts at Sea
Part V Responsibility and Jurisdiction
Chapter 15 La responsabilité de l’état dans le cadre des opérations d’interdiction maritime
Chapter 16 Shiprider Institution: Questions of Jurisdiction and State Responsibility
Selected Bibliography; Analytical Index.

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