Parsons, M: Luke | Buch | 978-1-4813-1501-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Parsons, M: Luke

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4813-1501-2
Verlag: Baylor University Press

In this volume Mikeal C. Parsons provides an overview of Luke and Acts, reading Luke and Acts in the context of ancient rhetorical criticism as practiced in the Hellenistic world. Parsons first compares Luke's storytelling with narrative techniques of ancient rhetoric. He next compares Luke's interpretation of Jewish sources within the social conventions of Luke's day. Finally, Parsons profiles Luke's specific evangelistic theological artistry, one in which Luke creatively uses Isaiah to call for the conversion of the Gentiles. The depth and breadth of Parson's chapters root Luke's narrative strategy, interpretive moves, and theological imagination in the pagan, Jewish, and Christian contexts of the period.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface
- Foreword
- 1. The Life of a Legend: The Making of "Luke"
- Part One: Luke the Storyteller
- 2. Luke and the Progymnasmata: A Preliminary Investigation into the Preliminary Exercises
- 3. Luke 1:1-4 and Ancient Rhetoric
- Part Two: Luke the Interpreter
- 4. Interpreting Pagan Traditions: Friendship and Physiognomy
- 5. Interpreting Jewish Traditions: Jerusalem and the Suffering Servant
- 6. Interpreting Christian Traditions: Parables and Paul
- Part Three: Luke the Evangelist
- 7. Reconstituting the People of God: The Examples of Peter, Cornelius, and Others
- Epilogue

Mikeal C. Parsons is Professor and Macon Chair in Religion at Baylor University.

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