Patton / Bell / Thompson | Anatomy & Physiology (includes A&P Online course) | Medienkombination | 978-0-443-11736-7 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Patton / Bell / Thompson

Anatomy & Physiology (includes A&P Online course)

12. Auflage 2025
ISBN: 978-0-443-11736-7
Verlag: Churchill Livingstone

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-11736-7
Verlag: Churchill Livingstone

Updated content reflects more accurately the diverse spectrum of humanity. This mainly includes art/ills of people of various cultures, cultural variations with facial features, skin tones and more female representation.

. All content throughout coordinates with the HAPS learning outcomes.

.Conversational, storytelling writing style breaks down information into brief chapters and chunks of information, making it easier to understand concepts.

.1,400 full-color photographs and drawings bring difficult A&P concepts to life and illustrate the most current scientific knowledge.

.UNIQUE! Clear View of the Human Body transparencies allow you to peel back the layers of the body, with a 22-page, full-color insert showing the male and female human body along several planes.

.The Big Picture and Cycle of Life sections in each chapter help you comprehend the interrelation of body systems and how the structure and function of these change in relation to age and development.

.Interesting sidebars include boxed features such as Language of Science and Language of Medicine, Mechanisms of Disease, Health Matters, Diagnostic Study, FYI, Sport and Fitness, and Career Choices.

.Learning features include outlines, key terms, and study hints at the start of each chapter.

.Chapter summaries, review questions, and critical thinking questions help you consolidate learning after reading each chapter.

.Quick Check questions in each chapter reinforce learning by prompting you to review what you have just read.

.UNIQUE! Comprehensive glossary includes more terms than in similar textbooks, each with an easy pronunciation guide and simplified translation of word parts - essential features for learning to use scientific and medical terminology!

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Weitere Infos & Material

UNIT 1: The Body as a Whole

1. Organization of the Body

2. Homeostasis

3. Chemical Basis of Life

4. Biomolecules

5. Cell Structure

6. Cell Function

7. Cell Growth and Development

8. Introduction to Tissues

9. Tissue Types

UNIT 2: Support and Movement

10. Skin

11. Skeletal Tissues

12. Axial Skeleton

13. Appendicular Skeleton

14. Articulations

15. Axial Muscles

16. Appendicular Muscles

17. Muscle Contraction

UNIT 3: Communication, Control, and Integration

18. Nervous System Cells

19. Nerve Signaling

20. Central Nervous System

21. Peripheral Nervous System

22. Autonomic Nervous System

23. General Senses

24. Special Senses

25. Endocrine Regulation

26. Endocrine Glands

UNIT 4: Transportation and Defense

27. Blood

28. Heart

29. Blood Vessels

30. Circulation of Blood

31. Lymphatic System

32. Innate Immunity

33. Adaptive Immunity

34. Stress

UNIT 5: Respiration, Nutrition and Excretion

35. Respiratory Tract

36. Ventilation

37. Gas Exchange and Transport

38. Upper Digestive Tract

39. Lower Digestive Tract

40. Digestion and Absorption

41. Nutrition and Metabolism

42. Urinary System

43. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

44. Acid-Base Balance

UNIT 6: Reproduction and Development

45. Male Reproductive System

46. Female Reproductive System

47. Growth and Development

48. Genetics and Heredity



Thompson, Terry
Terry Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Wor-Wic Community College President Emeritus - HAPS Salisbury, MD.

Williamson, Peggie L.
Peggie L. Williamson works at the University of Mary Hardin DPT Program Baylor in Belton, TX Bellah Therapies, LLC Harker Heights, TX

Patton, Kevin T.
Professor Emeritus Kevin T. Patton works at Life Sciences,St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Professor of Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI adjunct) Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY

Bell, Frank B.
Frank B. Bell is Adjunct Assistant Professor MS in Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction (MSHAPI) Program Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY

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