Pease / Belo | International Organizations | Buch | 978-1-032-45504-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 406 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Pease / Belo

International Organizations

Perspectives on Global Governance
7. Auflage 2025
ISBN: 978-1-032-45504-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Perspectives on Global Governance

Buch, Englisch, 406 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-1-032-45504-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Drawing on mainstream and critical theoretical approaches, International Organizations offers a comprehensive examination of the role of international organizations in world politics. This text details the types and activities of international organizations and provides students with the conceptual tools needed to evaluate their effectiveness. Surveying key issue areas including security, trade, development, the environment and human rights, International Organizations looks at global governance from a broad range of perspectives.

New to the Seventh Edition

- Inclusion of “narratives” to complement theoretical approaches to show how facts are used to frame reality and interpret world events. Narratives are used to advocate and build support for particular policies and strategies.

- Expanded analysis of International Security.

- New chapter on Global Public Heath with systematic treatment of the Covid 19 pandemic and the role of international organizations in identifying and managing the pandemic.

- New sections on global finance and international humanitarian law.

-  Updated case studies on Iran and Ukraine.

- Discussion questions to help students reflect on each chapter’s content.

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Postgraduate and Undergraduate

Weitere Infos & Material

1.  Introduction

2.  International Organizations: Nuts and Bolts

 3.   Mainstream Theories

4.  Critical Theories and Approaches

 5. International Security

6.    Regional Security

7.   Trade

8.   Finance and Development

9.    The Environment

10.   Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs 

11.   Global Public Health

12.   Global Governance in 2050

Kelly-Kate S. Pease is Professor in the Department of History, Politics, and International Relations at Webster University. She is also the Founding Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, the Global MA program in International Relations, and the MA program in International Nongovernmental Organizations. She is author of Human Rights and Humanitarian Diplomacy and co-author of The United Nations and Changing World Politics.

Dani Belo is an Assistant Professor of International Relations and Security as well as the Director of the Global Policy Horizons Research Lab at Webster University. His research focuses on gray zone threats and conflicts, global security policy, NATO-Russia relations, and the post-Soviet region. As a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, his research has informed U.S. and Canadian policy on Ukraine, NATO, and inter-ethnic conflict management. Dr. Belo’s work includes contributions to prominent academic handbooks and journals, complemented by extensive experience in policy analysis, international research projects, and presentations at leading global institutions.

Kelly-Kate S. Pease is Professor in the Department of History, Politics, and International Relations at Webster University. She is also the Founding Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, the Global MA program in International Relations, and the MA program in International Nongovernmental Organizations. She is author of Human Rights and Humanitarian Diplomacy and co-author of The United Nations and Changing World Politics.

Dani Belo is an Assistant Professor of International Relations and Security as well as the Director of the Global Policy Horizons Research Lab at Webster University. His research focuses on gray zone threats and conflicts, global security policy, NATO-Russia relations, and the post-Soviet region. As a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, his research has informed U.S. and Canadian policy on Ukraine, NATO, and inter-ethnic conflict management. Dr. Belo’s work includes contributions to prominent academic handbooks and journals, complemented by extensive experience in policy analysis, international research projects, and presentations at leading global institutions.

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