Plenert | Reinventing Lean | Buch | 978-0-12-370517-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 630 g


Reinventing Lean

Introducing Lean Management into the Supply Chain

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 630 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-370517-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Most books on Supply Chain Management simply focus on how to move materials and key resources throughout an industrial enterprise. Reinventing Lean shows how SCM can be made "Lean,� leading to much more reliable, cost-effective and competitive Supply Chain Management� (SCM). In this book, the reader will find a collection of management tools that will help to implement Lean principles, and to understand the components of an integrated Supply Chain Management system. Moreover, the book will show that to make Lean SCM effective, both the functional management tools as well as an enterprise-wide cultural readiness are needed in order to lay the groundwork for a World Class Lean Supply Chain.

Reinventing Lean will carefully lead engineers and manufacturing managers on how to adopt a cutting-edge Lean Supply Chain strategy. The book will lay out various proven approaches to incorporating Lean and SCM practices, by focusing on the ways in which SCM relates to materials, money, and information movement within the manufacturing environment. And because Reinventing Lean recognizes that a successful Lean SCM system cannot be achieved unless an organization supports team integration and the willingness to adapt to change, it provides not only the technical tools but also methods for changing company cultural factors that can make it all come together for a successful operation.
Plenert Reinventing Lean jetzt bestellen!


Industrial engineers and lean implementation leaders, Reliability Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Technicians, Mechanical Engineers,Top and middle managers responsible for lean implementation and bottom-line results,Manufacturing, design, and quality engineers


Weitere Infos & Material

Part I - Integrating Supply Chain Management
Chapter 1 - What is a Supply Chain?
Chapter 2 - What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
Chapter 3 - What are the tools of SCM?
Chapter 4 - What are the measures of a successful SCM?
Chapter 5 - What does it take to create a World Class Supply Chain Environment?
Part II - Developing a Lean Environment
Chapter 6 - What is Lean?
Chapter 7 - What are the Acceptance tools of Lean Management?
Chapter 8 - What are the Technical tools of Lean Management?
Chapter 9 - What are the measures of Lean Success?
Part III - Creating a Lean Supply Chain Management Environment
Chapter 10 - How to create an integrated World Class Lean SCM environment
Chapter 11 - Developing a leading competitive edge using World Class Lean SCM
Supply Chain Woes

Plenert, Gerhard
President, Institute of World Class Management

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