Poblome / Waelkens | Sagalassos IV | Buch | 978-90-6186-845-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 9, 586 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 275 mm, Gewicht: 2100 g

Reihe: Sagalassos

Poblome / Waelkens

Sagalassos IV

Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of 1994 and 1995

Buch, Englisch, Band 9, 586 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 275 mm, Gewicht: 2100 g

Reihe: Sagalassos

ISBN: 978-90-6186-845-3
Verlag: Leuven University Press

Sagalassos, once the metropolis of the Western Taurus range (Pisidia, Turkey), was only thoroughly surveyed in 1884 and 1885 by an Austrian team directed by K. Lanckoronski. In 1986-1989 this work was resumed by a British-belgian team co-directed by Dr. Stephen Mitchell (University College of Swansea) and by Prof. Dr. Marc Waelkens (Catholic University of Leuven). In 1990 Sagalassos became a full scale Belgian project and a leading centre for interdisciplinary archaeological and archaeometrical research.

Due to its altitude, the site is one of the best preserved towns from classical antiquity, with a rich architectural and sculptural tradtion dating from the second century BC to the sixth century AD. From early Imperial times untiel the early Byzantine period a complete range of coarse and red slip wares was produced locally. Excavations are concentrated on qthe upper and lower agoras to document the plitical and commercial life in the town and also in the area where a late Hellenistic fountain house, which stll functions to date, and a Roman library were discovered. Major efforts are undertaken to restore the excavated monuments in their old glory. Several disciplines integrate the town again within its ancient environment and document the central role which Sagalassos played in the area.
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The Survey and Excavations in 1994 and 1995 - Preliminary Reports

The 1994 and 1995 Surveys on the Territory of Sagalassos
M. Waelkens, E. Paulissen, H. Van Haverbeke, I. à–ztürk, B. De Cupere, H. Ali Ekinci, P.-M. Vermeersch, J. Poblome and R. Degeest

The 1994 and 1995 Excavation seasons at Sagalassos
M. Waelkens, P.-M. Vermeersch, E. Paulissen, M. Martens, P. Talloen, L. Gijsen, C. Peleman, J. Poblome, R. Degeest, T. Patricio, S. Ecran

A Sondage Excavation at Düldül Izi (Osman Pinari and Düldül Caves)
P.-M. Vermeersch, H. Ali Ekinci, I. à–ztürk, J. Poblome, B. De Cupere, R. Degeest and M. Waelkens

General Methodological Studies

Interdisciplinarity in Classical Archaeology. A Case Study: the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project (Southwest Turkey)
M. Waelkens and the Sagalassos Team

Interpreting Junk. The Reliablility of Surface Finds for Archaeological Research in the Mediterranean
H. Vanhaverbeke

The Large-Scale Map of Sagalassos. Contents and Precision
A. Van Rompaey and F. Depuydt

Historical, Epigraphical and Numismatic Studies

The 'Macedonian' Shields of Sagalassos
E. Kosmetatou and M. Waelkens

The Roman Inscriptions from the Fifth Campaign at Sagalassos
H. Devijver and M. Waelkens

Catalogue of tqhe Coins Found in 1994 and 1995
S. Scheers with the collaboration of H. Vanhaverbeke

Sculptural and Architectural Studies

The 'NE Heroon' at Sagalassos
E. Kosmetatou, L. Vandeput and M. Waelkens

An Archaeometric Study of the Provenance of White Marble Sculptures from an Augustan Heroon and a middle Antonine Nymphaeum at Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey)
L. Moens, P. De Paepe and M. Waelkens

An Antonine Nymphaeum to the North of the Upper Agora at Sagalassos
L. Vandeput

Mineralogy and Petrography of Mortars used at Sagalassos
W. Viaene, M. Walekens, R. Ottenburgs, H. Kucha and K. Callebaut

The Structural restoration of the late Hellenistic Nymphaeum. Principles, Laboratory Tests and Field Applications
S. Ercan, T.C. Patricio and K. Van Balen

Ceramic Studies

Decorated Handles of Sagalassos red slip ware Found at Site L and Roman Silver Plate
J. Poblome

Sagalassos Red Slip Ware im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz
S. Künzl

Eine Kleinasiatische Sigillatakasserolle in Frankfurt/M und die Gruppe der römischen Kasserollen konischer Form
S. Bender

The Clay Raw Materials of Sagalassos Red Slip Ware. A Chronological Evaluation
J. Poblome, W. Viaene, H. Kucha, M. Waelkens and D. Laduron

Characterization of the wares of Sagalassos. An Overview
R. Degeest, R. Ottenburgs, W. Viaene, H. Kucha and M. Waelkens

Manual Drawing Versus Automated registration of Ceramics
J. Poblome, J. Van Den Brandt, B. Michiels, G. Evsever, R. Degeest and M. Waelkens

Environmental, Anthropological and Archaeozoological Studies

The Transport of Rock Fragments by Animal Trampling on Scree Slopes at Sagalassos. Experimental Results and Archaeological Implications
G. Govers, J. Poesen

Les urnes d'incinération à Sagalassos. Une étude anthropologique
C. Charlier

Remains of Local and Imported Fish at the Ancient Site of Sagalassos
W. Van Neer, B. De Cupere and M. Waelkens

Waelkens, Marc
Marc Waelkens is Professor of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and director of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project and the Centre for Archaeological Sciences at KU Leuven.

Poblome, Jeroen
Jeroen Poblome is full professor at KU Leuven and member of the Sagalassos Archeological Research Project since 1991. He was director from 2013 to 2023.

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