Pomerantz | Clinical Psychology | Buch | 978-1-4129-3752-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 560 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 232 mm


Clinical Psychology

Science, Practice, and Culture
Erscheinungsjahr 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4129-3752-8
Verlag: SAGE Publications

Science, Practice, and Culture

Buch, Englisch, 560 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 232 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4129-3752-8
Verlag: SAGE Publications

Clinical Psychology distinguishes itself from other core texts for undergraduate clinical psychology courses through the evenhanded presentation of multiple clinical perspectives and emphasis on multicultural issues. Written in and academic yet accessible style, the text covers all subfields of clinical psychology thoroughly, including the history and current state of the field, clinical assessment, psychotherapy, ethical and professional issues, and specialized topics such as forensic and health psychology. In particular, the text covers the subfield that constitutes the primary interest of students and the primary activity of clinical psychologists-psychotherapy-broadly.


• Includes a full chapter on cultural issues in the introductory section of the book.

• Offers a full chapter on ethical issues in the introductory section of the book.

• Presents a full chapter in which current and controversial topics are discussed from both sides of the debate.

• Integrates discussion of ethical and professional issues throughout the book.

• Incorporates useful pedagogical tools that serve to connect unfamiliar clinical psychology concepts to the everyday life of students. These include a “Considering Culture” box in each chapter following the chapter on culture, “Denise inPsychotherapy” boxes that illustrate how a client would be treated according to various approaches, at least one “Metaphorically Speaking” box in most chapters that use metaphors to teach students about new concepts, and end-of-chapter critical thinking questions.


• An Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM provides PowerPoint slides, a computerized test bank, suggested class activities, sample syllabi, Web and video resources for each chapter of the text.

The textbook also comes with its own student study site which can be reached at http://www.sagepub.com/pomerantzcpstudy. It offers self-quizzes, e-flashcards, sample case studies, Internet exercises and suggested Web resources and SAGE journal articles with discussion questions.


This balanced text gives upper-level undergraduate or first-year graduate students of Clinical Psychology an extensive review of different clinical approaches as well as a greater level of cultural understanding.

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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Defining Clinical Psychology What is Clinical Psychology? Education and Training in Clinical Psychology Professional Activities and Employment Settings How Are Clinical Psychologists Different From. Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 2: Evolution of Clinical Psychology Origins of the Field Early Pioneers Lightner, Witmer, and the Creation of Clinical Psychology Assessment Psychotherapy Development of the Profession Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 3: Current Controversies in Clinical Psychology Prescription Privileges Evidence-Based Treatments/ Manualized Therapy Payment Methods The Influence of Technology Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 4: Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology The Rise of Multiculturalism in Clinical Psychology Cultural Competence Are We All Alike? Or All Different? What Constitutes Culture? Training Psychologists in Cultural Issues An Example of Culture Influencing the Clinical Context: The Parent-Child Relationship Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 5: Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology APA Code of Ethics Confidentiality Informed Consent Multiple Relationships Competence Ethics in Clinical Assessment Ethics in Clinical Research Contemporary Ethical Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 6: Conducting Research in Clinical Psychology Why Do Clinical Psychologists Do Research? How Do Clinical Psychologists Do Research? Ethical Issues in Research in Clinical Psychology Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 7: Diagnosis and Classification Issues Defining Normality and Abnormality Diagnosis and Classification of Mental Disorders: A Brief History Alternative Directions in Diagnosis and Classification Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 8: The Clinical Interview The Interviewer Components of the Interview Pragmatics of the Interview Types of Interviews Cultural Components Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 9: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment Intelligence Testing Achievement Testing Neuropsychological Testing Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 10: Personality Assessment and Behavioral Assessment Multi-method Assessment Culturally Competent Assessment Objective Personality Tests Projective Personality Tests Behavioral Assessment Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 11: General Issues in Psychotherapy Does Psychotherapy Work? What Types of Psychotherapy Do Clinical Psychologists Practice? Denise: A Client to Consider from Multiple Perspectives Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 12: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Defining Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Goal of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Psyhosexual Stages: Clinical Implications More Contemporary Forms of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Outcome Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 13: Humanistic Psychotherapy Humanistic Concepts: Clinical Implications Goal of Humanistic Psychotherapy Elements of Humanistic Psychotherapy Reflection: An Important Therapist Response Altenatives to Humanism Outcome Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 14: Behavioral Psychotherapy Origins of Behavioral Psychotherapy Goal of Behavioral Psychotherapy Two Types of Conditioning Techniques Based on Classical Conditioning Techniques Based on Operant Conditioning Alternatives to Behavior Therapy Outcome Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms and NamesChapter 15: Cognitive Psychotherapy Goal of Cognitive Psychotherapy Two Approaches to Cognitive Therapy Recent Applications of Cognitive Therapy Outcome Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms and Names Chapter 16: Group and Family Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Chapter SummaryChapter 17: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Psychological Issues of Childhood Assessment of Children and Adolescents Psychoth

Dr. Pomerantz, Andrew M.
Andrew M. Pomerantz, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Clinical Adult Psychology Graduate Program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses related to clinical psychology. He also maintains a part-time private practice of clinical psychology in St. Louis, MO. He earned his B. A. in psychology from Washington University in St. Louis, and his M. A. and Ph. D. in clinical psychology from Saint Louis University. He completed his predoctoral internship at Indiana University School of Medicine Psychology Training Consortium. He is the author of Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Culture (Sage, 2008) and Psychological Assessment and Report Writing (with Karen Goldfinger; Sage, 2010). He has served on the editorial board of the 'Journal of Clinical Psychology', and has published articles in numerous professional journals including 'Professional Psychology: Research and Practice', 'Teaching of Psychology', 'Ethics & Behavior, 'and' Training and Education in Professional Psychology'. His primary research interests include psychotherapy and ethical/professional issues in clinical psychology. He served two terms as president of Psychotherapy Saint Louis and is a member of the American Psychological Association.

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