Popov | Hydrogen Embrittlement Theory and Prevention of Hydrogen Damage in Metals and Alloys | Buch | 978-0-12-819856-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 362 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm


Hydrogen Embrittlement Theory and Prevention of Hydrogen Damage in Metals and Alloys

Erscheinungsjahr 2029
ISBN: 978-0-12-819856-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 362 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-819856-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Hydrogen evolution and permeation are encountered during electroplating, corrosion, and cathodic protection. Hydrogen accumulates in areas of high stress and may reach a critical concentration, potentially causing fractures and catastrophic damage. Hydrogen Embrittlement Theory and Prevention of Hydrogen Damage in Metals and Alloys explores the theory of hydrogen permeation in metals and alloys, hydrogen embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking, and passivity materials selection as well as electrochemical and non-electrochemical methods for prevention of hydrogen-induced damage. Our goal is to help the next generation of engineers and scientists (i) understand the theory of hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking as wells as hydrogen damage prevention strategies, (ii) design models for developing hydrogen damage-resistant alloys, and (iii) prevent damage of different industrial components due to the presence and localization of hydrogen in metals. To accomplish these objectives, the book offers case studies of hydrogen permeation, hydrogen embrittlement, mechanical properties of alloys, hydrogen damage control, and solved problems (with solutions) for the topics covered in the book. The book is self-containing and targets also senior graduate university corrosion engineering courses. The senior undergraduate students have the necessary mathematical exposure and ability to follow the subject. The book is useful for undergraduate corrosion courses taught in chemical, electrochemical, mechanical engineering, chemistry, metallurgy, and material science and will serve as references for individual study.

- Provides a comprehensive explanation on hydrogen permeation, hydrogen embrittlement, and hydrogen-induced stress corrosion cracking, creating difficulties in development of efficient strategies to preventing different types of hydrogen damage in metals and alloys
- Prepares the next generation of materials scientists, chemical engineers, and mechanical engineers to advance the hydrogen damage prevention strategies to a higher level and to develop advanced alloys resistant to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen-induced damage
- Discusses hydrogen-induced damage and hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms and the electrochemical and non-electrochemical prevention strategies as well as design of alloys resistive to hydrogen adsorption and embrittlement
- Includes solved case studies, corrosion analysis, and solved problems designed to help the reader to understand the fundamental principles from thermodynamics and electrochemical kinetics
- the chapters in the book are updated with data published in papers and reviews in the last 20 years, including the latest research and results
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Graduate students, corrosion engineers, and scientists in electrochemical, corrosion, mechanical, and civil engineering, and material science attending the University Programs
Engineers in various industries, including energy, nuclear, defence, aviation industries, mechanical, chemical, metallurgy, civil and construction


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Basic Electrochemical Models and Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Permeation Parameters 2. Solid Solutions and Hydrogen Trapping 3. Hydrogen and Lattice Defects 4. Hydrogen Effects on Mechanical Properties and Manifestation of Hydrogen Embrittlement 5. Important Factors That Control Hydrogen Embrittlement 6. Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms and Models 7. The Coexistence of Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms and the Modern Modelling and Experimental Techniques 8. Mechanical and Electrochemical Aspects of Hydride-Induced Embrittlement Mechanism 9. Hydrogen-Induced Damage and Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals and Alloys 10. Evaluation of Failures Due to Hydrogen in Metals and Alloys 11. Preventing Hydrogen Damage in Metal and Alloys

Popov, Branko N.
Branko N. Popov is Carolina Distinguished Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina, USA is. He has established at USC an internationally recognized research program in corrosion and electrochemical engineering and is among the world's most highly cited and respected researchers in the field.

In the last four years, his work at University of South Carolina led to research grants of $10M from the government and industry. During his seventeen years of service at USC and as the Director of the Centre for Electrochemical engineering. his research group has published 220 peer-reviewed articles, 52 proceeding volume articles, and 13 book chapters. His research group presented more than 220 conference papers on the National and International Conferences organized globally. His research group presented more than 235 conference papers on the National and International Conferences organized globally. He has received funding from DOE, NSF, ONR, ARMY, Reconnaissance Office, NRO, NASA, AESF, DOT and private companies. Dr. Popov has been included in the lists in 2014 and 2015 of ISI Highly Cited Researchers, which represents a world's leading scientist, according to Tomson Reuters. According to Scholar Commons, his papers were accessed more than 53,500 times.

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