Posen / Obstfeld | How the G20 Can Hasten Recovery from COVID-19 | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, EPUB

Posen / Obstfeld How the G20 Can Hasten Recovery from COVID-19

E-Book, Englisch, EPUB

ISBN: 978-0-88132-740-3
Verlag: Peterson Institute for International Economics
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

The world's leading economic powers must cooperate more to combat the health and economic shocks resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new free eBook, PIIE Briefing,
How the G20 can hasten recovery from COVID-19, Peterson Institute experts outline how collective action by the Group of Twenty (G20) nations can make a difference. The PIIE agenda includes removal of trade barriers impeding the flow of medical supplies and food, and more money for research, testing, and disease control, especially for debt-burdened low-income countries. The World Bank and the World Health Organization need more resources to relieve suffering, and the International Monetary Fund must step up to stabilize the world financial system.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Obstfeld, Maurice
Maurice Obstfeld is Class of 1958 Professor of Economics at University of California, Berkeley and Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund. His work has appeared in International Economic Journal, Journal of International Money and Finance, and elsewhere.

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