Prajapati / Philip / Bhattacharya | Colorectal Cancer | Buch | 978-0-443-13870-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Prajapati / Philip / Bhattacharya

Colorectal Cancer

Disease and Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-443-13870-6
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Disease and Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-13870-6
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Colorectal Cancer: Disease and Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies examines the combined impact of basic clinical and medical treatments as well as recent advances in the field of colorectal cancer. With a strong focus towards colorectal cancer diagnosis, disease drug delivery, and diagnosis, the book also examines the Tumor microenvironment-responsive and site-specific nanoparticles for cancer theragnostics. Sections provide the opportunity to understand and diagnose the disease, describes screening methods, and update on drugs, including nano- and immunotherapy. Content includes clinical trials in colorectal cancer research and disease models that help better direct researchers and clinicians on how to diagnose and treat colorectal cancer.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Colorectal Cancer: Understanding of disease
2. Impact of the microbiome on colorectal cancer development
3. Advanced Microfluidic Systems for the colorectal cancer diagnosis and its clinical application
4. Transarterial radioembolization and its impacts on colon cancer treatment and diagnosis
5. Current drug therapy in Colorectal Cancer
6. Recent advancements in Immunotherapy in colon cancer targeting
7. Novel targeting formulations in Colorectal Cancer
8. Polymeric nanoparticles in Colorectal Cancer
9. Lipid nanoparticles in Colorectal Cancer
10. Micro, nano emulsions in Colorectal Cancer
11. A unique compilation of Whole-Systems approaches to curtail colon cancer through Herbal Medicine
12. Bacteriotherapy in Colorectal cancer
13. Biomarker and theranostic in colorectal cancer
14. Advance precision medicine to combat colorectal cancer
15. Recent updates of clinical trials for Colorectal Cancer
16. Disease Models in Colorectal Cancer Research
17. An Outlook into Liposomal Drug Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Agents to Combat Colorectal Cancer
18. Novel targeting strategies on signaling pathway-Responsible for colorectal cancer
19. Decipher the role of Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer based on molecular pathology and its clinical significance

Prajapati, Bhupendra G.
Dr. Bhupendra G. Prajapati is Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at Shree S.K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ganpat University, Gujarat, India. An alumnus of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (Doctorate) and M.S. University of Baroda (B.Pharm and M.Pharm), he has over 22 years of experience in academia, research, and industry. Dr. Prajapati has received numerous accolades, including the AICTE's Career Award for Young Teacher and the President Award for Staff Excellence in Research and Capacity Building from Ganpat University. With over 80 national and international publications, he has secured various research grants and holds multiple patents in NDDS. He has supervised numerous Ph.D. and PG research scholars and delivered over 50 expert talks globally. As an editor of 10 international books and contributor of 70 book chapters, his research focuses on lipid-based drug delivery and nanotech formulations. Dr. Prajapati is an active member of IPA, APTI, and CRSIC.

Bhattacharya, Sankha
Dr. Sankha Bhattacharya did his Post Doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, INDIA (August 2018-August 2019) in cancer nanomedicine and molecular pharmaceutics. He is currently serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy & Technology Management Shirpur, SVKM'S NMIMS Deemed-to-be University, India with 9.3 years of Research and Teaching experiences. He has published more than 32 national and 18 international papers in high impact factor and peer-reviewed journals. He also published five book chapters on the global platform.

Philip, Anil K.
Dr. Anil Philip is currently working as Associate Dean (Head), School of Pharmacy, University of Nizwa, Oman. Among other credentials, he served as a member of the Health and Social Sciences sectorial grant committee of The Research Council, Oman, and as Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research Program general supervisor to promote undergraduate research at the University of Nizwa. His research objectives and achievements have been in controlling/modifying the release of small/large molecules targeted to GI space using phase-transited delivery systems. He has worked extensively in the field of controlled/ modified drug release systems. Currently, his research focuses on developing nano-drug delivery systems, which can be targeted to the various body organs. He has guided students in areas of targeted drug delivery, has more than 40 original research publications in international peer-reviewed journals, and two patents on drug delivery systems.

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