Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials | Buch | 978-0-7277-2642-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 421 Seiten, Format (B × H): 176 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 1020 g

Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials

Buch, Englisch, 421 Seiten, Format (B × H): 176 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 1020 g

ISBN: 978-0-7277-2642-1
Verlag: Institution of Civil Engineers

In the past fifteen years experimental and theoretical characterisation of the pre-failure deformation properties of geomaterials has developed enormously. In recognition of these important research developments a Geotechnique Symposium in Print (SIP) was held at the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1997. This volume brings together the nineteen Geotechnique SIP papers which summarise the recent developments in measuring and understanding the pre-failure stress-strain-time properties of natural soils, and apply this information to practical engineering problems.
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Part 1
Anisotropy of G0 shear stiffness in Gault clay
Laser interferometry to evaluate the performance of local displacement tranducers
Some anisotropic stiffness characteristics of a silt under general stress conditions
Deformation characteristics of a sedimentary soft mudstone from triaxial compression tests using rectangular prism specimens
Wave velocity and stiffness measurements of the Crag and Lower London Tertiaries at Sizewell
Small -strain stiffness of reconstituted clay compressed along constant triaxial effective stress ratio paths
Yielding and pre-failure deformation of structured sands
Inherent and stress-state-induced anisotropy in very small strain stiffness of a sandy gravel
The influence of structure on the pre-failure behaviour of a natural clay
Stiffness of coarse-grained soils at small strains
Modelling of non-linear deformation properties of stiff geomaterials
Viscoplastic behaviour of soft clay
Elastic shear modulus of soft clays from shear wave velocity measurement
Shear modulus and damping of soils
Displacements of bridge foundations on sedimentary soft rock: A case study on small-strain stiffness
Interpretation of a footing load test on a saprolitic soil from granite
Modelling pre-failure deformation behaviour of reinforced soil walls
Stiffness determination and deformation analysis for a trial excavation in Oxford Clay
The influence of pre-failure soil stiffness on the numerical analysis of tunnel constructionPart 2
Cyclic deformation characteristics of clay under different consolidation histories
Pre-failure strain softening and pre-failure instability of granular soil
Comparison of field and laboratory stiffness of Gault Clay
Yielding and locking under repeated loading
Assessment fo quasi-linear models for sands
Cyclic stiffness of plastic silt with an initial drained shear stress
On the stiffness of sandsPart 3
Stiffness measurements in a stress-path cell
the influence of plastic stains during compression on the inherent anisotropy of G V.Jovicic and M.Coop
Variation of elastic moduli with principal effective stress
On the use of comprehensive soil models in geotechnical analysis
Constitutive modelling: required complexity?
Experience of the use of non-linear pre-failure constitutive soil models
Closing Remarks

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